Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Lou Dobbs To Newsmax: GOP Will Win Senate If Infighting Stops

by JASmius

How many aliases do I have, ladies and gentlemen?  As many as it takes:

Republicans have a "unique and historic opportunity" to win back the Senate and bolster the middle class this year — if they stop intra-party fighting and "come together around basic, fundamental national values," Fox Business Network anchor Lou Dobbs says. 
"What people want to hear from leaders right now is what we're going to do in foreign policy that secures the interests of this nation . . . what the working man and woman, our middle class . . . will be empowered to do, and whether or not they're going to be treated . . . as first consumers or first citizens, first taxpayers or first citizens," the host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" told Newsmax TV on Monday in an exclusive interview. 
Dobbs, whose new book "Upheaval" will be released Tuesday, said the GOP has a clear message to take into the 2014 midterm elections. 
"The Republican Party has a unique and historic opportunity to hold up the standard of the American middle class, the national interest, and free enterprise, and drive those messages to the polls in November of this year and win back the Senate," he said.

"But they've got to stop this nonsense of creating wars within this tent before they can even get the doors open."
 Got that, Tea Party and "Establishment"?  You are not each other's enemies; you both have a common enemy.  To this day it is breathtaking to me how anybody in the Republican Party could have ever possibly lost sight of this fact with Barack Obama giving us all our daily thirty-nine lashes.  I guess Pachyderms are more afraid of punching up than anybody imagined.  But it has to stopThe Eleventh Commandment must be reinstated.  The enemy must be engaged and crushed.  And, if you believe that the country is still salvageable (which I don't, but just in case....), the time to do so is now.  And that cannot be done absent a united GOP front.

Oh, I don't see eye to eye with Dobbs on everything.  I would oppose rebuilding the wall between commercial and investment banking, and I don't like the sound of his implicit talk of breaking up the "big banks".  I especially grow tired of hearing rightist commentators condemn the Dems' endless class warfare tactics and then whirl around and urge Republicans to champion "the middle class" instead of the economic interests of all Americans.  One cannot, after all, economically empower the lower, working, and middle classes without the "rich" benefiting as well.

But he is right about party unity being the prerequisite to the kind of election victories necessary to save the Old Republic.  And that means no more Ted Cruz "surrender caucus" low-blow benders and no more U.S. Chamber of Commerce big money RINO counterattacks and no more Tea Party organizations like Freedom Works and Heritage Action spending gobs of money going after conservative Republicans and completely ignoring their Democrat antagonists.

To quote Eric Lensherr: "Today our fighting stops....Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters; the real enemy is out there....Obamunists, "progressives".....liberals.  The Neanderthals are running scared, my fellow Republicans!"

We can take back the Senate in a blowout.  Or we can remain the Stupid Party and die.  Which would y'all prefer?

UPDATE: I'd prefer President Scott Walker in 2016, and his advice remains along the same eminently sensible and sane lines.

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