Thursday, January 30, 2014

Obama's SOTU Address Gets Record-Low Ratings

by JASmius

Evidently, it was a re-run.

It's actually a shame more Americans weren't watching this bilious tripe, as this fifty-nine second passage might - I know, it probably wouldn't have, but at this point I'll take any de-scaled eyes we can get - have grabbed some LIVs' attention:

"I'm going to rule this country as a dictator and render all of you irrelevant."


Kind of like Chancellor Palpatine announcing to the Galactic Senate that he was reorganizing the Republic into the First Galactic Empire.  What was it Senator Amidala said?  "So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause."

How could that have not garnered better ratings?  By burying it in a mountain of banalities, of course.

If I'd been in the House chamber Tuesday night, I'd have gotten up and walked out after that quip.  A crying shame the Republicans in attendance didn't.

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