Saturday, January 18, 2014

Optimism: Seeing Sights Unseen

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I believe we can turn this country around.  It is never too late. As long as somebody still stands for liberty,  liberty lives.

I do not accept the world as I see it, but as God meant it to be.  I am determined to return us to the recipe that made America great.  I choose not to sit on my couch and complain as I watch things happen, but be an active participant in restoring our constitutional republic.  The Left does not anger me.  I will not give them that kind of power over me.

We must take responsibility for our freedom. We must secure liberty by changing reality and promoting our attitudes and beliefs.  We must rid ourselves of self-defeating attitudes and behaviors, and replace them with constructive ones.

We must see the success that many cannot.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent sentiments Doug. That is how we all as Traditional Conservative Americans should be feeling.