Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Sotomayor Delays ObamaCare Contraceptive Mandate

by JASmius

The year is barely half a day old and already my jaw is hitting the floor.  Can it really be possible that the never-before "Wise Latina" is actually living up to that unearned moniker?:

A group of Catholic nuns celebrated Wednesday the decision by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to issue a stay in a crucial portion of the Obama healthcare law that would have forced religious groups to provide health insurance coverage for birth control and other medications designed to induce abortions.

The Little Sisters of the Poor, a Baltimore-based order that operates nursing homes for low-income elderly around the country, issued a statement praising the justice's actions.

"We are grateful for the decision of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granting us a temporary injunction protecting us from the HHS contraceptive mandate," the nuns said. "We hope and pray that we will receive a favorable outcome in order to continue to serve the elderly of all faiths with the same community support and religious freedom that we have always appreciated.

The sisters were represented in the case by attorneys from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which issued its own statement in the case.

"We are delighted that the Supreme Court has issued this order protecting the Little Sisters," said Mark Rienzi, senior counsel for the Becket Fund. "The government has lots of ways to deliver contraceptives to people it doesn't need to force nuns to participate."

It should be noted that this is just a stay pending the SCOTUS hearing the case in March, and it only applies to the Little Sisters of the Poor, although there are numerous similar cases pending, some of which have been granted stays at the appellate court level, not necessitating an Olympian to do so.  This, in turn, answers the question of why Justice Sotomayor issued the stay, as it's pretty much a function of whatever Justice happens to be "on duty".  In this case, and from her perspective, Sotomayor happened to draw the short straw.

The Obama Regime, whose argument against the stay and in favor of forcing the contraceptive mandate on religious organizations, was the usual brazen bovine scatology about "women's health" and "this won't violate religious liberties," has until Friday to answer the stay, which means it will remain in effect because O will never change his tune and it was one of his own appointees who issued the stay.

But however the SCOTUS ends up ruling on this question - and the Roberts Court can't be counted on to rule constitutionally on anything after upholding the individual mandate a year and a half ago, so bear that in mind - the White House will not comply with any striking down of any portion of the Unaffordable Care-Less Act.  So if I were you, Sisters, I wouldn't bother with any celebrations.  This is more like a delay in your mass executions.

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