Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Speaker Boehner Blocking Benghazigate Select Committee Hearings?

by JASmius

That's what the families of the Navy SEALs passively butchered by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have come to believe (my apologies for the source of this vid, but this question is worth it):

The wearisome part of this is that the families' gauntlet letter to Boehner will be like napalm on a nuclear reactor to a lot of TPers whose irrational hatred for the Speaker knows no bounds.  But the families do have a point beyond their emotional involvement, and the fact that three quarters of the House GOP caucus seem to agree with them indicates that it isn't that difficult to grasp.

To wit: Why not a select committee on Benghazigate, Mr. Speaker?  Surely your people are capable of some multi-tasking if you've got five committees overlapping and stepping all over each other ostensibly pursuing the same objective.  Wouldn't consolidating their efforts into one select committee streamline the process and raise the investigation's public profile?  Sure, the Obamedia will continue embargoing the story, and to the extent that embargo was breached they'd vilify it as a "witch hunt," and it will never become another Watergate no matter how hard Congressman Frank Wolf tries.  But wouldn't it be a worthwhile effort anyway?  Surely those four men's lives are worth that much.

I think it's silly to smear Boehner as being "in on the cover-up," because he hasn't signed off on a select committee yet.  But until he does, he's going to leave himself open to such abuse, and for no good reason.

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