Saturday, January 25, 2014

The New Tea Party?

by JASmius

So says this guy:

It's time for the full power of the Tea Party to be unleashed by joining every chapter in a national Tea Party alliance under the leadership of retired General Paul Vallely.

A few thoughts:

1) Anything the label of which is prefixed by the word "New" almost always winds up sucking ass.  "New Coke," the "New Foundation," the "New Blackjacks".  It just doesn't work.  In a phrase: New = Failure.

2) The whole point of the Tea Party has always been that it is a grassroots movement with no national leadership.  It was genuinely "of the people, by the people, and for the people".  Now you say that the Tea Party needs to unify under a national leader, but don't worry, it'll still be diverse and individualistic.  But you can't have it both ways.  So which is it, Bill?  Methinks your double-talk is endangering your folksy credibility.

3) I'm sure General Vallely was a find military commander, but that doesn't necessarily, and in fact rarely does, translate to effective political leadership.  And from what I've seen of his political strategies so far, I think he and we would be better off with him staying safely in retirement.

4) But if this is the schitzo direction in which TPers want to go, I have a first-up question for the general: How are you going to keep the Obama IRS from squashing the movement again in the 2014 election cycle?  I hope he has an actual practical counter-strategy as opposed to touting virtue as its own reward.

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