Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wendy Davis & The Great Silicone Resume Injection

by JASmius

I would never think of accusing a comely she-ass of being the proud owner of a pair of massive fake boobies (like lefties accused Sarah Palin a few years back).  But Wendy Davis's resume rack?  That's more ersatz than Red Barry's joggling pecs:

Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator whose filibuster for abortion rights made her a Democratic superstar and launched her campaign for governor, has admitted to the Dallas Morning News that she lied about key events in her life, including her first divorce. Davis may even have lied under oath, testifying in a federal lawsuit over redistricting that "I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old," when in fact she was divorced at age 21.
So Miss Davis is a perjurer, too?  That's the biggest resume enhancer a Democrat can get; it's like getting size Triple-D dirigibles from your cosmetic surgeon with embedded anti-graviton emitters.  Screw the Texas governorship, she should be running for president.

But wait!  It gets better:

Other missing details have included: her second husband paid her way through law school and she divorced him the day after the last payment was made; her ex-husband accused her in initial court filings of adultery, and was awarded custody of their two daughters; and she first ran for city council in Fort Worth as a Republican

"My language should be tighter,” she said, admitting her campaign biography has been less than truthful.
That's not the only thing that should be tighter. <ahem>

So Miss Davis is a perjurer and a lying bitch.  No wonder she's such a rising star in the Democrat Party.

As Rush Limbaugh pointed out yesterday, do you have any idea how difficult it is for the mother in a divorce case to lose custody to the husband/father?  And there's still more:

Limbaugh said Davis' account of being a teenage mother living in a trailer park and scraping her way through college and Harvard Law School "is now out the window."

"She lived a luxury lifestyle," he said. "She had a big house, private schools for her kids. The divorce allegations of her adultery, the loss of custody of the two daughters and the fact that she was ordered to pay spousal support, why, all of this is shocking and new. We didn't know any of this before. Do you know how hard it is for a mother to lose custody these days?"
There's an old saying, gentles: "Less is more".  The parallel of Wendy Davis's biographical fictionalizing to Barack Obama's is difficult to miss.  But unlike The One's, which has never gotten broadly outted because his true personal history has never gotten broadly vetted, WD's has now been blown sky-high.  Even if Dallas Morning News senior political hack Wayne Slater's profusely apologetic expose goes to debilitating lengths to soft-pedal and otherwise spin Miss Davis's wholesale mendacities, the cat is still out of the bag.  You just cannot reconcile "teenage mother in trailer park scraping her way through Harvard Law School" with "she lived a luxury lifestyle in a big house, sucked her rich husband dry, and then bailed on him the moment she had what she wanted from him".  And was banging another dude on the side.  Even LIVS and NIVs can parse that.

In short, Wendy Davis is the real-life SueEllen Ewing.

I would advise Texas voters to check this woman for hidden air valves.  It'd be a shame if Texas wound up electing the first blow-up doll governor in state - and, presumably, American - history.

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