Tuesday, February 04, 2014

America's Unraveling: Sandra Fluke For Congress

by JASmius

After 40 years, Henry Waxman retires and now we just might get Sandra Fluke.

Makes perfect sense when you think about it.  Kind of a "passing of the torch" dynamic.  Twentieth century Democrat versus twenty-first century Democrat.  Maybe Waxman will impregnate Ms. Fluke on his way out so she will have the supreme privilege of aborting that rodential spawn in symbolic and maximally public fashion.  It'd be altogether fitting.  Or would that be infringing upon Wendy Davis's gimmick?

I do draw the line at a "Speaker Fluke," though.  Why should she settle?  This woman is presidential timbre.  A young Hillary Clinton, as it were.  And who wouldn't get a kick out of a president actually named...."fluke"?

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