Monday, February 24, 2014

Arrogant Rice, Unrespected Obama

by JASmius

* World stage worries - Americans feel Obama not respected abroad
* Pentagon's proposal - billions in military benefits getting axed
* Controversial Benghazi remarks - Rice claims regime did not mislead (lie to) Americans
* No respect? Poll: poor perception of Obama

Of course, there is some room for nuance in that Gallup survey.  To wit: When 53% of respondents say that The One isn't respected abroad, is that meant as a criticism of him or other world leaders?  Seems like that would have been a necessary follow-up question, because you know which angle the White House will take on it.

But then the Regime shrinking the Army to the smallest its been since 1940 - a year before....Pearl Harbor, and arguably a contributing factor to the willingness and eagerness of the Japanese to attack us - and laughably calling a budget that hemorrhages entitlements red ink like a fire hose, and continuing to "lead from behind" might be an indicator of which nuance is more correct.

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