Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Article V Convention....To Disarm Americans

by JASmius

Sauce for the goose....?

Professor Mary Margaret Penrose advocates a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution via an Article V Convention. She believes the 2nd Amendment must be abolished. Many conservatives are pushing for an Article V Convention as well. Meg's view on the Constitution is shared by far too many Americans. The U.S. Constitution isn't obsolete since it deals with human nature.

You live by the sword, you die by it.  Barack Obama believes he can "do anything I want," and he's proven the gaping vulnerability of a system of government that fundamentally relies upon every citizen voluntarily accepting and playing by the rules.  But what might be dubbed "constitutionalist liberals" present their own lethal hazards to the Founders' construct.  And we've seen how open LIVs and NIVs are to left-wing manipulation.  Why, in short, run roughshod over the Constitution when you can persuade a majority of Americans to feed it through the shredder themselves, democratically and "constitutionally"?

Editor's Note: Read my response to this post HERE.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Couple of additional points:

1) The above is not, nor was it ever intended to be, nor does it reasonably or rationally read, as either a condemnation or discouragement of the pursuit of an Article V convention; just an observation that, as it were, two can play that game, and there's no reason to assume that the Left would leave any avenue of attack untapped.

2) This woodshed needs much better ventilation.

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