Oathkeepers Ofamerica shared American Infidel Inc's photo.
The above image appeared on Facebook this morning. The disrespect for our MIAs and POWs is beyond unacceptable. No words can describe the disgust I am feeling over that image. But, this is a great example of what a society becomes when standards are set aside, and morality is forgotten, as is being pushed by the liberal left. As pluralism and relativism infects our culture, giving way to the rise of sexual perversion and debauchery, images like the one above of a military service member sticking her tongue into the mouth of the silhouette of a missing soldier, videos of toddlers "twerking" - basically imitating sexual intercourse while the parents watch and cheer, and the near orgy of goat heads and sexual innuendo on television shows like the Grammy Awards, shows us exactly how far down the spiraling slippery slope of insanity we have gone. Christian shop keepers are being forced by law to provide services for homosexuals in the form of products celebrating the gay lifestyle (forcing pastors by threat of fines or jail time to marry gays is next), State laws and State Constitution amendments are being illegally altered by federal courts who have no constitutional right to force the States to act a certain way in regards to State issues, and common core is being taught to our children whether we like it or not as the federal government works to indoctrinate our children at an earlier age with a push for Pre-K public schooling while passing laws allowing sexual perversion into the schools, and boys into girls bathrooms and gym locker rooms, in the name of fairness and equality for transsexuals (as they hand out condoms to our children, and teach them about "their" version of what sex is in sex education classes).
And we wonder why Obama feels totally at ease with legislating through executive orders and regulatory agencies in direct violation of Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution - and is stacking the courts for the federal judiciary to do the same. He doesn't think he needs to hold to any standard. What does he care that what he is doing is illegal, and outside any constitutional authorities? We aren't even willing to hold to any moral standard ourselves, so why should he feel he should have to abide by any constitutional standard?
As we get fat on government subsidies, and lazy in our participation in government, the leaders take more and more power, and then convince us it is not only good, but that we can't live without it.
Collectivism. It is a part of an overall belief that embraces communal societies tightly controlled by a strong, totalitarian government.
We hear today's democrats compared to communism, Marxism, and the like, often, and I am here to tell you, they have become something much, much worse.
Communism uses government to take over and control the private sector. Fascism has always been called "right wing" because they don't force the private sector to be government run. The label that places Fascism on the right is a grave error. Fascism is a political philosophy that inhabits the left, but does so in a devious way. The difference between communism and fascism is simply that rather than take control of the private sector through brute force control, and making all operations a part of The State, the fascists use executive orders and heavy regulation to control the private sector. That way, they can still say that they are not communists because the private sector continues to exist, when in reality, it does not.
Obama is a fascist.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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