Friday, February 21, 2014

Obama Pushes For Billions More In Spending, No Budget Compromise

by JASmius

You know how the proprietor of this site is always saying, "Don't make deals with left-wing liberal socialist 'progressive' commie bastards," because the only thing that can be counted on with them is that we can't count on them - particularly to honor their end of any "grand bargains"?

Well, buckle your seat belts, because here we go again:

President Obama is going back on his promise to compromise on reducing the federal debt with a budget proposal for 2015 that would increase spending by $56 billion.

His move, an apparent effort to bolster Democrats in this fall's midterm elections, abandons the "grand bargain" he offered last year to appease Republicans, the Washington Post reports.  He had promised to put a lid on spiraling retirement spending by reducing cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients in return for an increase in taxes on the richest Americans.

Obama's 2015 budget proposes increased spending on programs to bolster the middle class, including funding for early-childhood education initiatives and job training.

Another Patented Barack Obama Double-Cross?  Check.  More braying to his Marxist-Alinskyist zombie base?  Check.  More class warfare?  Check.  More transparently phony pandering to the middle class with which his Regime is at war?  Check.  Never had any intention of compromising or following through on any promise?  Check.

Blaming it all on the GOP?  Check:

The White House pointed the finger at the GOP for Obama's shift, the New York Times reports.

"There was a point in time when there was a little bit more optimism about the willingness of Republicans to budge on closing some tax loopholes," Josh Earnest, a White House deputy press secretary, tells the Times. "But over the course of the last year, they've refused to do that."
"Refused to do that" for the bupkis they knew they were going to get, yes.  In exchange for the entitlement reforms they were promised?  That would have been a different story.  See, that's why they call it a "compromise" - each side gives the other something they want.  Neither entirely wins, neither entirely loses.

But Barack Obama doesn't believe in compromise, because he does believe that he is God in human flesh and all those subhuman Republican untermenschen are so many rungs below him on the "evolutionary ladder" they're not even droolingly capable of grunting out the gratitude due him for allowing them to continue breathing, much less worthy of being treated as even near-equals in a budget negotiation.

O's latest reneging is so perfunctory that it's almost not even worth posting the retort from John Boehner's office:

"This reaffirms what has become all too apparent: the president has no interest in doing anything, even modest, to address our looming debt crisis," said Brendan Buck in a statement. "The one and only idea the president has to offer is even more job-destroying tax hikes, and that nonstarter won't do anything to save the entitlement programs that are critical to so many Americans."

True, true, and true.  But this statement begs another question: If False Messiah had pulled this perfidious volte-face two weeks ago, would the Speaker have so meekly and obsequiously caved on last week's debt ceiling hike?  Or did the White House hold off on it until after that particular concession was, as it were, "in the bank" to indulge in another "end zone celebration"?

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