Wednesday, March 12, 2014

American Flag Buffoonery

by JASmius

The 9th Circuit Court of Buffoons has done it again.....made a ruling so blatantly unconstitutional the Supreme Court will have to spank them...again.

But Bill, but Bill, but Bill....the definition of constitutionality is whatever a federal judge says it is, remember?  If one federal judge says up is unconstitutional, it's unconstitutional; if the appellate court says no, down is unconstitutional, then down is unconstitutional; and if the SCOTUS rules that both up AND down are unconstitutional in favor of sideways, then ONLY sideways is constitutional.  Chief Justice John Marshall said so.  Don't you know anything about American history?  So Acapulco Gold State kids, you'd better burn your Old Glory gear, until the SCOTUS says you can put out the flames.

With the always-exception of the Bible, never has this book been more desperately needed.

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