Friday, March 28, 2014

BMW Plans $1 Billion Expansion In Republican, Right-To-Work South Carolina

by JASmius

BMW is celebrating its 20th anniversary of building cars in the U.S. by investing $1 billion in its plant in South Carolina to build two of its new X-series vehicles at the facility.

Seems kinda random to me.  Of all fifty states, why choose capitalist, free-market South Carolina?  Especially when BMW had jack-booted, broke-ass, vampiric states like, say, California, or Illinois, or New York to choose from.  Hell, they're far more like Germany than these mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, "I didn't know that Governor Nikki Haley wasn't from Sikhistan"-ignorant, Palmetto-mongering bumpkins.  I don't get it.

At least they won't have to pay 'em as much.

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