Saturday, March 08, 2014

First Anniversary Of Rand Paul's Filibuster

by JASmius

....undertaken to block the nomination of John Brennan to the post of CIA Director in order to draw attention to the issue of unrestrained drone attacks.

Of course, John Brennan was confirmed as CIA Director two days later, and unrestrained drone attacks are still taking place.  So while it was a courageous stand on principle, it still accomplished nothing, and has to be talked up by Senator Paul's office itself in order to prevent it's already having been forgotten.

The lesson?  In real life, virtue is not its own reward; at some point something concrete needs to actually be achieved, or the cause being served is a futile chase at best.  I don't want to call Rand Paul's filibuster a waste of time and effort because I appreciate the gesture, but what did it accomplish to merit even self-commemoration?

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