Thursday, March 27, 2014

Message to Anti-Republican Conservatives

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Yes, I agree, the GOP is out of its mind of late.  Yes, I agree, the moderates are disgusting, and the left has infiltrated the party.  Yes, I agree, we should hold their feet to the fire, and flush out the progressives from the party, and vote the man when we have to because sometimes the GOP candidate is as liberal as the democrat.

But remember, there has to be a line we understand cannot be crossed.  Despite the frustrations about the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is packed with communists that want nothing more than to kill America as founded, and control your lives in a leftist totalitarian system.

Be critical of the republicans, but don't kill the party.  Remember, at this moment, the GOP is the only vehicle we have available to us to use to fight against the dark, liberal-left cloud that is blanketing, and smothering, this nation.  The Republican Party is filled with good conservatives.  The establishment sucks, and I want every last one of those jerks out of the party, but don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Or as I recently told a critic of my radio program who believes we must abandon the Republican Party and abandon the party system all together, "You are trying to kill your horse you are riding on because it does not run fast enough, but once you kill it, you will have no horse."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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