Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rhode Island State Senator To Gun Rights Supporter: "Go F*%k Yourself"

by JASmius

What, and wind up with a prominent Second Amendment advocate as a member of the next protected civil rights class (hermaphrodites, it case you were wondering)?  Looks like Senator Miller hasn't thought this through very thoroughly.

BTW, NSFW.  But you probably knew that.

Well, "them's fightin' words," as Yosemite Sam might say, but to me they're almost a breath of fresh air.  We know libs hate us, and we loathe them right back.  But it's refreshing to see them be so honest about their hatred.  Go bleep yourselves too, gentlemen.

Probably also helps explain (1) why Miller is still just a state senator, and (2) that he's well on his way to the national Democrat Party level.

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