Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why They Hate

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Yahoo! News headline read:

The Iowa GOP’s Anti-Gay Pied Piper: The next head of the Iowa Republican Party is likely to be a former pumpkin farmer who hates gay marriage.

All Voices asked last November: Why does the GOP hate the poor? - And then added a Paul Krugman quote, from the New York Times, "Conservatism is a sort of cult."

A feminist website proudly offered a year and a half ago, "55 Ways Republicans hate women", which coincides with the Democrat Party's claim the GOP has launched a war on women.

Nancy Pelosi claims the hate for women is because the Republican Party disrespects women.

Al Sharpton not only believes Republicans hate black people, but that the GOP has a Hitler-style desire to exterminate blacks.

And the use of the word "hate" goes on and on and on and on.

According to the Left, conservatives hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, the poor, anyone that disagrees with them, and any other group the Democrat Party can convince are victims.

But why the word "hate"?

In politics, the liberal left is really good at using something called "projection."  They project who they really are onto their opponents.  They hate, so they must convince you that in reality they don't hate.  The way to convince you they don't hate is to convince you their opposition "hates."

I was talking to someone the other day, and they were telling me how in forums and comment sections of various websites if you dare throw out a disagreement with leftists, the name calling and profanity is quick to follow.  Hateful language is used in what should be a reasonable discussion about the issues, but the liberal left seems to be unable to have a debate without thinking "He Who Shouts Loudest, Wins!"

The Left has to do that.  They cannot win in the arena of ideas, so they must focus on their narrow definition of the issues, and demonize, or even destroy, their opposition, because if it goes beyond what is on the surface, and approaches what the big picture is all about, they will lose by a landslide.

They must hate, so that their opposition cannot get a word in edgewise, and so that they can ultimately ridicule their opposition into silence.  It is a tool of distraction.  It is a way to force their opinion into the argument without any opposition existing.

Karl Marx did say, "Peace comes when there is no opposition to socialism."

The Left is not interested in debate.  Their interest lies only in silencing their opposition, and destroying any opposition that dares to try to come against them.

To allow you to talk is to allow doubt to creep into someone's mind, and the moment a liberal begins to question what they believe, they begin the process of abandoning the hate-filled world of liberal leftism.

They use the wrong premise to distract people from the true, and they fight unfairly to keep people from realizing the true premise.  Let's address the above issues, in order to make the point.

The very first story above is about a politician that is accused of "hating" gay marriage.  He disagrees with the lifestyle, like most people that oppose the attempt to change the definition of marriage, and he likely believes homosexuality is a sinful behavior.  I have never met a conservative, especially social conservatives, that hate anybody.  We may hate Obama's policies, or hate what the democrats are doing to the nation's founding principles, but people on the right don't hate any "person."  Disagreement is not hate, or at least not to the dreaded "right-winger."

As a Christian in California, shortly after Proposition 8 was voted in as a constitutional amendment to the State Constitution, defining marriage as between a man and a woman, when my wife and I were leaving our church after the Sunday Morning Service, protesters lined the sidewalk, holding signs depicting Christians as Nazis, supporters of apartheid, and making other ridiculous comparisons.  Homosexuals that did not have signs rushed to our car, slamming their fists on my windows and hood, screaming obscenities, and accusing me of being a closet homosexual that uses God to hide my true sexual identity.  What I experienced that morning from those people was undoubtedly unadulterated hate.

We said nothing back, kept our windows up, moved through the crowd slowly, and as we departed, we waved at the two cops that were watching the proceedings, but doing nothing about it.  I was figuring the cops would only begin arresting people if the Christians dared to fight back.

My response, and the responses of the other members of the church, could hardly be categorized as "hate."  Like me, the others peacefully departed, eventually leaving the gay activists on the sidewalk alone, with their signs, and each other, screaming and cussing in a fit of hateful rage.

The leftists also believe, as mentioned above, that the conservative branch of the Republican Party hates the poor.  Why do they say that?  Well, according to them, we must hate the poor, because we are against government programs that are designed to give to the poor.

Again, I know no republican that hates any person.  We may hate poverty, but we don't hate the poor.

The problem is that the context is being misrepresented by the leftists.  Theirs is an emotional reaction to a surface opinion.  They are not willing to look deeper into the issue, for to do so would reveal the truth about their true position regarding the poor.

Christians, for example, believe it is very important to help the poor, but not in a way that is detrimental to their development, or willingness to be self-sufficient once they get on their feet.  In other words, Christians and conservatives have no problem helping the poor - just not through government.  It must be a voluntary, individual decision.  If someone decides not to be charitable, that must be their choice.  Forcing someone to give to the poor through any means, including taxation, is not freedom.  Freedom includes the freedom to fail, or the freedom to be different than the rest of society.

The alleged war on women is a doozy.  The very idea that the accusation out there is that conservatives take the stance on issues they take is because they hate women, or are disrespectful towards women, or want women barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen, is the most ridiculous thing I could imagine.  Yet, the democrat sheep believes that tripe, and that is why the leftist politicians continue to dish out that incredible line of junk.

Again, the whole argument by the leftists is designed to point people away from the actual premise of the argument.

The liberal left calls abortion a part of something called "reproductive rights."  It is a "right," they claim, for a woman to do whatever they want with their body, and if that means killing another person, then so be it.  The whole idea that the slaughter of poor, innocent, unborn lives is somehow a right is mind-boggling to a conservative.  We don't stand against abortion because we hate women.  Heck, conservative women stand beside me on this issue, and I don't hate them.  It all comes down to the fact that we believe an unborn baby is no different than a newborn baby, an infant that has begun further developing at home, or a toddler.  They are all human lives, and deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Christians look at the issue with an even deeper religious angle, recognizing from verses in the Bible that God knew us before we were born, and the personhood of John the Baptist was so intact when he was in the womb that he leaped in his mother's womb when Mary, the woman that would give birth to Jesus Christ, was near, with Jesus in her own womb.

Abortion has taken more forms than just a gruesome medical procedure in a doctor's office.  Now, there is the morning after pill, which is essentially abortion in a bottle.  Obamacare has mandated that birth control, and the morning after pill is included in that definition, must be paid for by insurance companies - all of them - regardless of who the services are for.  This means that the companies or persons paying for the insurance must also pay for these "benefits."  In other words, churches are being told that they businesses, which has employees, like hospitals, or schools, or the like, must pay for something that is against their system of beliefs.

Christian institutions are being forced to pay for things they are morally against, and they are being told they don't have a choice.

How is that freedom?  How is that reasonable?

Rejecting that mandate is not another part of the "war on women," but an attempt to protect religious freedoms, as well as an attempt to save the lives of unborn persons.

The idea that all Republicans, TEA Party folk, and conservatives, are racist is not only ridiculous, but runs completely contrary to history.  Just because leftists say it is so, it doesn't mean it is.

The Republican Party was created to abolish slavery.  The Democrat Party created the KKK.  Republicans were the ones behind the civil rights legislation, and the democrats filibustered against it.

Until Lyndon B. Johnson, blacks were mainly Republicans.

Johnson won because of sympathy.  As John F. Kennedy's vice president, and having served only a short time as President of the United States before the next election came up, Lyndon B. Johnson was unbeatable.  A conservative like Barry Goldwater had no chance, not because he was a conservative, but because Johnson was unbeatable in that election.

Unlike Kennedy, Johnson was a raging hard-left liberal.  While Kennedy was a member of the National Rifle Association, was willing to stand up to the Soviet Union, and was willing to cut taxes, Johnson believed in the progressive mantra of big government, big corporatism, and big bureaucracy.  The problem was, liberalism was not exactly an easy ideology to sell.  The democrats needed loyal voters, and Johnson knew exactly who to go after.

It was Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson who stated, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

The Democrat Party became the new plantation.  Through welfare programs the liberals have replaced the master, providing everything the master did, minus the work, and only expecting in return the undying loyalty of the black segment of society.

The Left hates to cover up their failures, to cover up their agenda, and to demonize the opposition because if they didn't, the truth might rise to the top.  They hate to protect their power, and their position.  They hate to destroy - and they project that hate, accusing their opposition of being the haters.

They hate because that is how they play their political game.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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