Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Battlestations, Civilians

by JASmius

Obama's abuse of our military is cause for civilians to go to war against the abusive liberals of Washington.

Once again, I find myself in a position of sympathetic concurrence, but constrained to remind one and all of the impotence of our position.  Barack Obama is in a position to abuse our military because civilians put him there, and civilians have no power to prevent that abuse that they are ultimately responsible for setting loose.  The One is Commander-In-Chief and he can, will, and is doing whatever he wants - from hardball sodomizing social engineering to permitted Islamist infiltration (e.g. "Major" Hasan) to reducing the Army to its weakest level since 1940 to terminating the Tomahawk cruise missile and Hellfire air-to-ground missile - and, contra the bold "let's go to war" rhetoric, there is nothing - nothing - we can do about it, aside from hoping and praying that there'll be a 2016 election where We, The People can gain a respite from the Obamunist onslaught.

Indeed, I would counsel Bill, here, against using such bellicose rhetoric.  It might get him personal attention from the dwindling stock of Hellfires if he's not very careful.

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