Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bullying Tactics in Sacramento, and State Constitutional Amendment 17

Posted by Douglas V. Gibbs

In 2007, Senate leader Don Perata locked three senators out of their offices for days. Former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown would frequently strip Assembly members of committees and move their offices….

Bullying tactics from legislative leadership ranging from budget cuts* to office changes to stripping committees has been standard practice in the Legislature for years.—CA Sen. Joel Anderson


Did you realize the vengeful bullying done by Sacramento electeds? Now CA Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg wants to increase the bullying power with Senate Constitutional Amendment 17. SCA 17 would also indefinitely steal representation from millions in our state.

CA Sen. Joel Anderson stands up against this in his op-ed printed in the Sacramento Bee May 15. Please read highlights from his piece, below. What does Joel recommend we DO about this? He requests that you CALL or FAX the 12 Republican CA senators to urge them to vote NO on SCA 17. When you call Sen. Anderson, we recommend you just thank him for his awesome work.

One last call you might make--to the San Diego Union Tribune -(800) 533-8830. Please request they print Senator Anderson’s Op-ed piece, which was printed by the LA Times and the Sacramento Bee.

Please call or fax these 12 senators, and please forward this email.

1. Tom Berryhill (R) (916) 651-4014

2. Anthony Cannella (R) (916) 651-4012

3. Jean Fuller (R) (916) 651-4018

4. Ted Gaines (R) (916) 651-4001

5. Bob Huff (R) (916) 651-4029

6. Steve Knight (R) (916) 651-4021

7. Mike Morrell (R) (916) 651-4023

8. Jim Nielsen (R) (916) 651-4004

9. Andy Vidak (R) (916) 651-4016

10. Mimi Walters (R) (916) 651-4037

11. Mark Wyland (R) (916) 651-4038

12. Joel Anderson (R) (916) 651-4036
Taxation without representation – a reality for 3 million Californians

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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