Friday, May 02, 2014

Hard Starboard Radio: Disappearing Free Speech

Can the First Amendment be saved?; After 9/11, the Left worried about Americans’ free-speech rights. After the Benghazi attack, not so much; Condemn Donald Sterling if you want, but don’t applaud the means of his exposure; Why real-world consequences are irrelevant to the Left; The 2014 election was decided before Obama’s second term began - will he then allow any votes to be cast?; Remembering the injustice done to the grieving father of an American hero by Hillary Clinton; Obama actually seems to believe that persuasion and hashtags are the best weapons; and the Obama Doctrine does a masterful job of concealing Vladimir Putin's weaknesses.

Gnawing off the Regime gag at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.  Because it really is impossible to shut me up.

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