Saturday, May 17, 2014

IRSgate Smoking Gun?

by JASmius

Judicial Watch strikes again.

Nothing new here for those of us who've been paying attention all along.  Will the White House sticking to its propaganda guns ("Cincinnati!  Cincinnati!") continue to work?

That depends on your definition of "work".  If "work" means "keeping the public convinced that IRSgate was just some 'rogue' agents in Cincinnati, Ohio that got carried away," then no, it won't "work," because these "bombshell" emails pretty much blow that BS out of the honey bucket.  If "work" means keeping the IRSgate coverup in place, then yes, it will "work," or more accurately, it's irrelevant, because no political pressure will ever be put on the Obama Regime to appoint a special prosecutor that could potentially bring The One down, and there isn't enough political pressure in this universe and the next ten that could force them to do so, because they have all the power.  Not the legal authority, mind you, but the power.  That, when all is said and done, is the true legacy of the Obamidency.

Exit question: Will this latest Judicial Watch diamond-find compel Speaker Boehner to create a second House Select Committee?  And, if so, can Trey Gowdy be cloned?

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