Saturday, June 07, 2014

Constitution Association: G.R. Mobley and the Strategy to Convene a Convention

Constitution Association monthly meeting. . . June 7, 2014


We know that the country is in a downward spiral away from the Constitutional principles established by the Founding Fathers of this nation.  When Senator Harry Reid was questioned regarding the executive branch not advising Congress of the Bergdahl prisoner exchange, he responded, "What difference does it make?"  The fact that the executive branch does not hold authority regarding the rules concerning captures on land and water, as enumerated by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution as a power given to Congress, did not concern Reid.  The lawlessness of the Obama administration is acceptable to people like Reid, and the Constitution is the least of his concerns.

As constitutionalists, we meet and we complain, but what are we doing?  What is the strategy for shaping America's future?  What tools do we have available to us to make an impact, and influence what is going on?  How can we combat such blatant unconstitutional actions by members of the federal government?

Among the solutions available to us is convention. . . a convention of States.  Not a "Con-Con."  Not necessarily an "Article V. Convention" (though also a valuable tool), but a third kind of convention - one that nobody is talking about, and nobody is considering. . . except us, the associates of the Constitution Association.

Today, after Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs on KCAA AM1050 ( we will have the opportunity to learn about this valuable tool of a convention by States, coined by G.R. Mobley as the "Republic Review".

Imagine us having the opportunity to audit the federal government, and that if only a quarter of the States believes an action, or law, by the federal government is unconstitutional, we could stop those actions or laws.  Would that be a valuable way to rein in the government?  And even more so, what if organizations like the Constitution Association could be an integral part in establishing this strategy, and maintaining the results of the strategy?

Today, in the Constitution Association monthly meeting, we will learn about such a strategy.  Today, the Constitution Association presents:

The Strategy to Convene a Convention - For Republic Review
By G. R. Mobley
June 7th @ Boston Billie's; check in at 5:00 pm.

A Constitutional process for "We the People" to organize and act upon
a plan to "Reclaim the Republic," for our posterity before it's too late!

Boston Billie's
26850 Cherry Hills Blvd
Sun City, CA 92586

Saturday, 7 June 2014, Mobley's presentation will be from 5:30pm to  6:30pm.

Are you concerned about the direction of our nation?
Are you concerned about the erosion of your freedom & liberties?
Have you lost faith in our election and legal process?

Learn how can you be instrumental in reclaiming your
freedom & liberties?

Mr. Mobley and I have shared a vision of the power of the Republic, and a Constitutional path that will lead to preserving our Constitution, liberties, and the Republic, by using the Republics.  Mr. Mobley has created a presentation, and the strategy involves us.

What we have available to us is a Constitutional and versatile tool called Convention.

* Agenda:
* Overview on
* Historical narrative on liberty
* The innovation a New Nation
* The Obfuscation of the Constitution
* The Constitutional Fix
* What we can do to change the course of our nation
* The Strategy to Convene a Convention - For
Republic Review
* The Tactical Plan
* Top Level Collaboration or Command and

The strategy is also available in two books by G. R. Mobley.  Both books will be available for sale and personalized at a discount, and all proceeds will go to The Constitution Association.

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