Iraqis that trusted us to protect them are being mass executed by the ISIS jihadists to whom Barack Obama abandoned them; Obama Regime refuses to evacuate Baghdad Embassy because it is "too politically sensitive to do so"; When Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - the latest Osama bin Laden - walked away from a U.S. detention camp in 2009, the future leader of ISIS issued some chilling final words to reservists from Long Island; Why we are in deep, deep [bleep]; IT experts and the IRS’s own manual note that backups of Lois Lerner’s e-mails must exist; Eric "The Red" Holder’s tenure in the Injustice & Revenge Commissariat has been marked by scandal after scandal; Obama’s potential predicament in 2015-16 worse than Clinton’s?; and Scott Walker is tanned, rested, & ready - but will he ever get the chance?
Reckoning the day at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.
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