Friday, June 06, 2014

Is Obama Stupid Or Evil?

by JASmius

So many scandals in Obama's years as president. So was he evil or was he just stupid? He portrays himself as ignorant or stupid for each of these. He finds the news from the media, not from his administration. But which is worse? What ever happened to the 'Buck Stops Here' motto?

Bill Whittle says both.  My take is that Barack Obama uses the "ignorance/stupidity/incompetence" knock on him as PR cover for his calculated, intentional, deliberate malice against the America he inherited and detests and is maniacally bent on "fundamentally transforming".  I've said it many times over the past five and a half years: Nobody could be this ignorant, stupid, and incompetent.  Not outside a mental institution, anyway.  He's been ruling all this time with both middle fingers extended at the American people, but most Americans thought he was giving them a "thumb's up".  And Americans are a very forgiving people - especially to minorities "just doing the best that they can".

But the public has started seeing glimpses of those extended middle fingers in the ObamaCare cataclysm, the VA scandal, and now the Bowe-Bergdahl/Taliban Dream Team trade.  Far, far too late to do anything about it, but it's slowly dawning on them, nonetheless.  Hardly a solace to take into the gulag.  And that may be the biggest extended middle finger of all.

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