Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Las Vegas White Supremacist Revolutionaries

By Douglas V. Gibbs

When Political Pistachio first reported the Las Vegas shooting where two police officers were targeted in a pizza joint before the shooters crossed the street to a WalMart to continue their killing ways, we took notice that one witness indicated one of the suspects said, "This is a revolution."  I wrote that I believed this statement would be used to try to claim that the shooters were "radical rightwing extremists" by the liberal media.  The liberal left has been searching for a conservative shooter, and since all of the mass killings in recent history have been by registered democrats, or the children of democrats, the leftists haven't found their "smoking gun" that says Tea Party folk, and conservatives, that cling to their Bibles and guns, are a violent lot.  This episode in Las Vegas may be the shooting they have been hoping for.

The liberal media, however, have learned their lesson.  In past shootings they jumped the gun, claiming Tea Party activists were to blame, and then wound up with egg on their face, so they are working the evolution of their accusation on this one carefully, guiding the public toward it, beginning with the report that the shooters are "white supremacists."

Democrats are convinced, because the political propaganda tells them so, that Republicans, conservatives, and Tea Party people are a bunch of racists that want to return America to the days of slavery.  Racism runs rampant through The Right, they have been told, so obviously if someone is a "white supremacist," they must be a rightwing extremist gunning for killing a few minority democrats because they hate the black skin on President Barack Obama.

Las Vegas Police, during their investigation of the shooting, have revealed that the married couple that fatally shot two police officers, and a civilian customer of WalMart, possessed white supremacist paraphernalia and spoke of targeting police officers.


The liberal media has got to be chomping at the bit, excited beyond imagination, just waiting for police to reveal the shooters were members of a local Tea Party, were registered republicans, or are in possession of a Gadsen Flag proudly bearing the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The racist paraphernalia was located in the suspects' small apartment about four miles from the scene of the shooting.

The next code word for the excited leftist media is "militant."

A neighbor called the couple "militant", saying they talked about planning to kill police officers, as well as "going underground" and not coming out until the time was right. 

Going underground?  Are they survivalists?

Wow, as far as the leftists are concerned, it is getting better and better.  They have got to be chuckling with delight deep inside their evil souls.

Be careful, don't say it yet.  They haven't found their smoking gun that the shooters are right of center just yet, but they can just taste it.

Another neighbor said the man of the gun-toting team of shooters often talked about conspiracy theories and often dressed in camouflage. 

Whew, the leftists are getting giddy.

Then the best part of it all for the liberal left loonies hoping and praying for a rightwing shooter: According to another neighbor, the shooter in question said that he was kicked off Cliven Bundy's ranch in Nevada while protesters gathered there during the Bureau of Land Management's roundup of Bundy's cattle.

The mere presence of them at that "rightwing radicals versus our beloved federal government" has got to be the sign the leftists need to accuse the shooters of being rightwing Tea Party extremists, right?

I don't know what the ideology of the shooters were, and to be honest, I don't care.  Idiots reside in all parts of society.  Killers are bad people, not because of environment, or ideology, but because they make the choice to be killers.  However, that said, I am concentrating on all of this because the liberal left media is constantly trying to attach ideology to the motive behind the shootings that happens in the United States.  Theirs is about agenda, first.  They don't care about the dead bodies, or that somebody's son or daughter is dead.  All the liberal left democrats that reside in the power structure of the system care about is "how can they use this event to their advantage politically."

"We saw when the man was walking, he was shouting, yelling bad words, and suddenly he had a gun," a witness told a local news program. "It was terrible, it was terrible. That man was crazy."

Gov. Brian Sandoval said in a statement he was devastated by the murders of the two officers and an innocent bystander in an "act of senseless violence."

Crazy?  That man was crazy.  Perhaps.  Anybody that decides to kill someone has to have a few screws loose, but that also opens a Pandora's Box we must be careful with.  In this nation we have something called "Due Process," and if we allow the government to define the parameters of mental health, and then begin disarming people because they think that person fits into their definition of "mentally unstable," that is an invitation to allow the government to destroy our constitutional right to due process (and that funny little thing about being innocent until proven guilty), and institute a little thing Philip K. Dick called "pre-crime."  Dangerous, and tyrannical.

As for the racist thing, the liberal left democrat claim that anyone that resides politically to the right of the party-of-the-donkey's position is racist is a bunch of hooey.  Remember, it was the Democrat Party that created the KKK to act as a terrorist arm of the party to keep blacks from voting or running for office shortly after the conclusion of the American Civil War, it was the Democrats that instituted marriage licenses in the South to keep whites and blacks from marrying, it was liberal left Democrat President Woodrow Wilson that instituted segregation in the military as well as promoting the racist KKK film "Birth of a Nation," it was the democrats that filibustered against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it was liberal President Lyndon B. Johnson that declared he would use the welfare system to get those "niggers" to "vote Democrat for the next 200 years."

If the white supremacists that shot up a pizza place and a WalMart are true to history, or at least know where their racist foundations lie, they are liberals.

Added Note:  After I completed and scheduled this article for posting last night, I came across the following headline: Report: Suspects Covered Officer's Bodies with "Don't Tread On Me Flags" - CBS Las Vegas. . . I am telling you, this is what the liberal left has been waiting for.  The gun control battle is getting ready to go into high gear.  And, the liberal left is loving this because it is a perfectly timed opportunity for a battle cry in a mid-term election season they were suspecting they may lose.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Las Vegas Shooting Leaves At Least Three Dead - Political Pistachio

Police say couple who fatally shot 2 Vegas police officers and civilian believed law enforcement the 'oppressor' - Fox News

LBJ: Ill have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years - Liberty Alliance

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democrat Party - National Black Republican Association

Southern Black Codes of 1865-1866 - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Progressive Segregation - Accuracy in Academia

The Birth of a Nation: When Hollywood Glorified the KKK - HISTORYnet

Who Opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? - Capital Gains and Games

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