by G.R. Mobley
WHEN: Monday, August 18th, 2014, 5:30-8:30 PM PDT
WHERE: Bellevue Gun Club/West Coast Armory, 13216 SE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA (map), Conference Room #1
PHONE: (425) 641-2877
I apologize for the short notice, but it has taken us a little while to find a forum. I appreciate the suggestions and help. Please come early so we can start on time.
I hope you find the time to come learn about a rapidly growing concept of a Constitutional movement as to how we (all of us) can save our Constitution, the Republic, and our liberties and sovereignty through a simply Constitutional process. This process is not a Constitutional Convention to rewrite the Constitution, nor is it the arduous process of the Article V Convention to amend the Constitution, nor is this a Convention of the States. G. R. Mobley will present the concept of Republic Review and possess the power to undo any and all unconstitutional roles, responsibilities, and powers (RRPs) that have been usurped or unconstitutionally assumed by our general government. This is a two part presentation.
Part 1
Based on the premise that, reasonable people equally informed seldom disagree, please join G. R. Mobley as he speaks concerning the power of the Republic, and a Constitutional path that will lead to preserving our Constitution, liberties, and the Republic, by using the Republic’s Constitutional and versatile tool called a Convention for Republic Review.
There are and can be other conventions, but a Republic Review is the intent of auditing the size, roles, responsibilities, and powers that the general government is exercising – in comparison to the enumerated powers within the Constitution, which they are Constitutional constrained by. Therefore, all unconstitutional powers either must be amended to the Constitution or removed from the general government as a role, responsibility, or power.
Overview on Historical narrative on liberty
The innovation a New Nation
The Obfuscation of the Constitution
The Constitutional Fix
What we can do to change the course of our nation
The Strategy to Convene a Convention – For Republic Review
The Tactical Plan
Top Level Collaboration or Command and Control
Part 2
The presentation will focus more on the ground strategy and what needs to be done. Instead of standing with a sign in your hands in the heat of the sun or in the pouring rain, we will cover:
What was previously covered
Why 3 books
The Strategy 101
The Tactical Plan
Top Level Collaboration or Command and Control
The Strategy 201
Details on Local and State Organizations
What, why, who, where, and how regarding Command and Control
Statement of Facts
This may be a bit of a reach (too far to drive) for some, but you may have friends and fellow Patriots who live in Washington that would be interested in attending such an event, especially those looking for hope and a viable answer to stopping this Federal Tyranny. So please forward this to those friends and Patriots in the area that can make it to West Coast Armory in Bellevue Monday Night. For those who use social media our Facebook page is here:
Please promote it to others, and we have set up a twitter account Mobius Strip Press @MobiusStripNews for people to follow... If you would like a preview of an event in SoCal you can view it here by watching the videos below.
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