Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hillary Clinton Pretending To Care About Ferguson

by JASmius

Hillary Clinton commented on the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, while speaking at an event in San Francisco....

....and what she really thinks about the protests in Ferguson, Missouri:

Mrs. Clinton's problem is the same now as it was in 2008: she can't win the Left, and if you can't win the Left, you aren't going to win the Democrat nomination.  The rivalry between Team Messiah and La Clinton Nostra never went away, even throughout her Nib's tenure as O's Foreign Commissar.  The former tarred the Clintons as racists in the '08 Donk primaries, and it stuck.  Even if The One voluntarily relinquishes power, he will still control the party through 2016, which is why Elizabeth Warren is going to be the '16 Democrat standard-bearer, with HUD Commissar Julian Castro as her running mate, and Hillary Clinton is going to be forever known as the botched hybridization of Archie Bunker and Bea Arthur.

At least she wasn't wearing that hideous pony tail, today.

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