Sunday, August 17, 2014

Liberalism: Rule Through Moral Ambiguity and the Silencing of the Opposition

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 led to sweeping changes in Russia that led the populace from a Dictatorial Monarchy to a Communist Totalitarianism that still remains influential, if only in the very memory of its existence, in the region.

Germany followed a charismatic leader by the name of Adolf Hitler, voting him into office democratically and peacefully.

Americans have been conditioned over the last century to embrace the failed policies of statism.  We are being asked to set aside our individualism, to lose a little liberty for security, and abandon set standards written on the pages of the Holy Bible, and the United States Constitution.

We are being asked to let go of the rule of law, and embrace the rule of man.  We are being told that the interpretation of the law by men with political preferences that oppose the law as it was written is in our best interest, and the opinions of these judges and politicians are the necessary fuel for the greater good.  Theirs is only a benevolent intent for the collective.

The United States prospered, and has become the greatest nation on the face of this Earth, because of the principles we have followed contained on the pages of the Holy Bible, and the United States Constitution.  Sure, we stumbled a few times along the way, but America's exceptionalism has always righted wrongs, and had led this nation to the greatness that God intended for it during its founding.

The founders declared independence with a firm reliance on the protection by divine Providence, willing to put on the line their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.  Now, as a nation, we are letting go of those freedoms, relinquishing our liberty, in the name of distractions, noise, and government dependency.  We gained our liberty through a process of forging this nation into existence beginning with the shot heard around the world.  We are losing it with a whimper, as we collect government checks, and play games on our electronic devices.

The liberal left uses political correctness, moral ambiguity, and fear to silence its opposition.  Many voters don't vote Democrat because they love liberalism, but because they have been conditioned to hate Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party members.  They have been convinced that The Right is evil, wants a theocracy, are a bunch of racists, hate women, are a bunch of plutocrats, and so on and so forth.  The average voter believes the propaganda, and votes for Democrats because they are convinced that the GOP is evil.  They will vote for incompetence any day of the week over evil.

The daunting task of turning this mess around is upon us.  Three percent of the population fought the Revolutionary War.  Only a third of the population in the colonies supported the drive for independence.  Only a few people got the Murrieta immigration protests rolling, but it became a national story.  We can do this.  We can take back America.  We can save the blessings of liberty for our posterity.  All we have to do is pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, rely on the protection of divine Providence, and do the work it takes to get the job done.

The Revolution has begun.  The resistance is in place.  It is time to fight the good fight.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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