Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rick Perry Rips Democrats For Taking Vacation Without A Border Deal

by JASmius

If the Border Crisis were taking place a year or two from now, this might have been Governor Perry's "moment" - the kind of circumstance that propels leaders to the pinnacle of national prominence and power.  Were this 2016, we could be looking at a Perry presidential landslide, precisely because he is leading on a raging, front-burner issue on which overwhelming majorities of Americans are behind him and have been crying out for leadership for years, as opposed to trying to be seen as pretending to lead, or flat out leading in the wrong direction, against that overpowering will of the American people.

Unfortunately, I doubt, even on this issue, that the Right has the stamina to keep it at the incendiary level that the Left kept its anti-Iraq fanaticism for over five years.  I hope and pray I'm underestimating my brothers and sisters.  I'd say time will tell, except that we ran out of time 21 months ago.

-Hard Starboard Radio
-American Daily Review
-Constitution Radio

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