Saturday, August 09, 2014

White Students No Longer To Be Majority In U.S. Schools

by JASmius

Wow, that didn't take long.  Looks like America is demographically dying even faster than we suspected:

For the first time ever, U.S. public schools are projected this fall to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites enrolled, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.

Non-Hispanic white students are still expected to be the largest racial group in the public schools this year at 49.8%. But the National Center for Education Statistics says minority students, when added together, will now make up the majority.

About one-quarter of the minority students are Hispanic, 15% are black and 5% are Asian and Pacific Islanders. Biracial students and Native Americans make up a smaller share of the minority student population.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan called the changing population a seminal moment in education. "We can't talk about other people's children. These are our children," he said.

Not the illegals, Arne.  Which make up a significant portion of that spike in Hispanic numbers.  And given how many of them are Central American gang-bangers, an equally disproportionate cause of the "racial and ethnic tension" schools are dreading as well.

Feel free to dig into the outrageous additional costs inflicted upon States and localities by Barack Obama's illegal border erasure.  I want to project these numbers forward a generation or so and take a look at what this runaway demographic shift - driven by feminazis' anti-family/anti-motherhood/anti-children "War On Women" jihad that has driven down white reproduction rates (outside the evangelical Christian ranks) every bit, if not more, than mass illegal immigration has driven up minority numbers - will have on electoral demographics in the years ahead (assuming, of course, that there will be any more elections past this November, if that).

Let me preface this by stating that were America the colorblind society of Dr. King's 1963 appeal, there would be no need for or even occurrence of the idea of examining ethnic demographic trends.  If we were all Americans - i.e. non-hyphenated - and voted issues, ideas, and in accordance with the principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution, instead of....well, tribally, we could be purpler than Tinky-Winky for all that it would matter.  But that's not the noble society in which we've chosen to live; instead 62 million asshats have twice voted for tribalism and all the bitter divisions and hostilities that it has begotten.

Now, then.  In the 2012 election, the ethnic demographic breakdown of the electorate was as follows:

White          72%     Romney 59%, Obama 39%
Black           13%     Obama 93%, Romney 6%
Hispanic      10%     Obama 71%, Romney 27%
Asian             3%     Obama 73%, Romney 26%
Other             2%     Obama 58%, Romney 38%


1) Minorities vote tribally, so whites almost have to vote accordingly in simple self-defense, but because whites are forbidden from thinking of themselves the tribalist way minorities are brainwashed to think - somehow the former is "racist" but not the latter - too few realize it.

2) This demographic deterioration has been going on for a long, long time.  Here was the breakdown in 1984:

White          86%
Black           10%
Hispanic       3%
Other             1%

A fourteen-point shift in about a generation.  Which means....

3) 2012 showed, for the first time, that left-programmed minority voting blocs can overwhelm the larger, more conservative, but vastly more diluted, somnolized white bloc.  Put another way, in 1984, Mitt Romney wins that election, not in a landslide, but by a comfortable margin.  In 2012, it wasn't enough.  Which is the garishly obvious explanation for Barack Obama's artificially engineered Border Crisis and his threat to illegally amnestize six million more illegals on top of them.  It's an electoral end-run and short-cut, since illegals, coming from "Roman" countries with strong authoritarian cultures and traditions (versus its Anglo-Saxon or "Western" constitutionalist counterpart) vote left/Democrat by an 8-1 margin.

Which brings us to the student demographics reported above.  A further 22-point shift, reducing whites to a plurality, and minorities - collectively - assuming majority status.

Plug those demographic proportions into the 2012 voting totals, and you get a Barack Obama victory margin of 54.9% to 43.4% - an almost four-point shift in the Democrats' direction.  You can fill in the Electoral College blanks (assuming the EC still exists for much longer) from there; it practically assumes that Texas and Arizona join California in the permanent "blue" column.  The Democrat Electoral College floor would almost be above the 270 needed to win.  Only in "wave" years like Nixon-McGovern in 1972 or Reagan-Mondale 1984 would presidential elections be even competitive.  And recall that those races had GOP incumbents; a four-point Donk swing in 1968 would have elected Hubert Humphrey instead of Nixon, and the same in 1980 would have produced a Carter-Reagan photo-finish perhaps like Bush-Gore 2000.

In short, whether Barack Obama is president-for-life or not, 2016 is probably our last chance to elect another Republican president ever again.  And then we will see just how gracious the New Majority will be to the New Minority.

Suffice it to say, I'm not optimistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as they're not racists, not communists/progressives/socialists/etc, as long as they respect the Constitution and aren't PC.... I don't care WHO the majority or the minority are.