Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bill Maher Mocks Public Reaction To Obama’s Latte Salute

by JASmius

In a truly satisfying segment of “Real Time with Bill Maher,” a former United States Marine Corps General absolutely shredded the show’s host, Bill Maher, the loudmouthed liberal punk who condescends to nearly everyone.

What can we learn from this exchange?  Not much, actually:

1) Bill Maher is an irredeemable hard-left asshole;

2) Bill Maher, cocooned in the comforting folds of his hard-left arrogance, will never learn any lesson administered to him, no matter how thrashingly, because he'll never be convinced that he doesn't know everything, and his enemies are smarter, wiser, funnier, more mature, and more knowledgeable than he will ever be;

3) Bill Maher suffers from never having been beaten unconscious for his insolence years ago, when teaching of the aforementioned lesson might still have been possible.

Now?  I'm sure he has a well-paid personal security team to protect him from the consequences of his big mouth.

More's the pity.

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