By Douglas V. Gibbs
President Barack Obama says the United States Constitution is a flawed document, and it is his intention to fundamentally transform the United States despite the Constitution, and in spite of the Constitution. He opposes the concept of a limited government, and is working to render the voice of the people and the States irrelevant by acting without Congress whenever our representation fails to rubber stamp his agenda. If you think he is acting unconstitutionally now with only the Senate as his ally, imagine what Barack Obama will be willing to do during the final two years of his second term of presidency if the Republicans capture the United States Senate.
The federal convention convened from May to September in 1787. The U.S. Constitution was signed September 17, 1787. Today is Constitution Day, a day that commemorates that tremendous day.
For the framers of the Constitution, their achievement was not about them, but about freedom, establishing a successful path for liberty in America, and their posterity.
The official White House Twitter account tweeted their recognition of Constitution Day today with a picture of President Obama in the National Archives building.
While those of us who hold the Constitution to be the greatest political system ever conceived are celebrating and appreciating the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution on this date, those who see it as a flawed document prefer to put forth their hard-left collectivist messiah, Barack Obama, who has been tasked with destroying the final vestiges of that once reveled document.
The Constitution of the United States was designed to stand the test of time, and it has indeed endured over two centuries. It was written to protect us from the system that is now trying to finalize its control over the United States. While considered the greatest document ever conceived, aside from the Holy Bible, the Constitution means more than we may realize. The American System through the U.S. Constitution is an object of admiration by peoples around the world, and the symbol of freedom worldwide.
We are the shining city on the hill, the final bastion of freedom on Earth, because of the United States Constitution.
People say to me, "President Barack Obama claims to be a constitutional lawyer, but he seems not to know anything about the Constitution."
He knows it. He understands the Constitution, and the original intent. He does not like the document, or what it stands for, and wishes to convince you that it meant something else, that it was written allow the federal government to exert control over the States, and We the People.
The federal government was not created to control the States, but to serve them, to protect the union, and preserve State Sovereignty.
Statists, from the very beginning, were determined to subvert the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton challenged the principles of limited government with his concepts of implied powers. Chief Justice John Marshall added to the mix the unconstitutional concepts of judicial review, full and unfettered federal supremacy, and nationalism. The assault has become more violent against the Constitution as time has passed, as if a sickness determined to trample the liberties of the people for the good of a powerful, socialist wealthy, elite has spread as an epidemic through the ranks of the highest offices in the United States. The assault threatens the very foundations of this nation. This country's core principles have been denigrated, and the Constitution has been twisted to satisfy a leftist agenda that stands in direct opposition of the original intent of the document.
In the deepest depths of our core we realize something is wrong. We, as Americans, were raised in liberty, and we know instinctively when our freedoms are in danger. Americans are becoming more informed regarding the destruction of the American System by the liberal democrats, but what are we doing about it? We have seen a renewed interest in the Constitution. As the Obama Presidency progresses, we have become more determined to right the ship, to reverse the liberal agenda's direct assault on freedom, and the system of limited government created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, but are we doing enough?
Armed with the knowledge that the instruction booklet for taking back America is a small document called the U.S. Constitution, it is time we put our knowledge of the Constitution into action. As Americans seek to understand the founding principles and enduring truths that form the foundation of our system of government, we must apply them at all levels of government, and demand that the politicians adhere to the oath they have given to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
September 17th should be a national holiday. It should be an important day to Americans. It isn't just another day, but an important observation of the day that the greatest governing document ever created was signed.
We the People are what the Constitution is all about. The document limits the authority of the federal government so as to protect the people from tyranny. The more of us that understand this, and demand a return to the Constitution, the greater the chance that we will finally reach a tipping point, a vital tipping point where we begin a revolution of knowledge and action that turns this nation around, returning it to the principles and philosophies it was founded upon.
The Constitution has endured for over 200 years, and its enduring integrity cannot be taken for granted. We must be educated regarding the Constitution's principles, and we must fight to preserve the Constitution, for our nation's future depends on it.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Read "25 Myths of the United States Constitution" by Douglas V. Gibbs.
Watch for his next book October 1, 2014 - The Basic Constitution: The Principles and Philosophies of the United States Constitution.
White House Celebrates Constitution Day with a Picture of Obama - Townhall
While those of us who hold the Constitution to be the greatest political system ever conceived are celebrating and appreciating the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution on this date, those who see it as a flawed document prefer to put forth their hard-left collectivist messiah, Barack Obama, who has been tasked with destroying the final vestiges of that once reveled document.
The Constitution of the United States was designed to stand the test of time, and it has indeed endured over two centuries. It was written to protect us from the system that is now trying to finalize its control over the United States. While considered the greatest document ever conceived, aside from the Holy Bible, the Constitution means more than we may realize. The American System through the U.S. Constitution is an object of admiration by peoples around the world, and the symbol of freedom worldwide.
We are the shining city on the hill, the final bastion of freedom on Earth, because of the United States Constitution.
People say to me, "President Barack Obama claims to be a constitutional lawyer, but he seems not to know anything about the Constitution."
He knows it. He understands the Constitution, and the original intent. He does not like the document, or what it stands for, and wishes to convince you that it meant something else, that it was written allow the federal government to exert control over the States, and We the People.
The federal government was not created to control the States, but to serve them, to protect the union, and preserve State Sovereignty.
Statists, from the very beginning, were determined to subvert the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton challenged the principles of limited government with his concepts of implied powers. Chief Justice John Marshall added to the mix the unconstitutional concepts of judicial review, full and unfettered federal supremacy, and nationalism. The assault has become more violent against the Constitution as time has passed, as if a sickness determined to trample the liberties of the people for the good of a powerful, socialist wealthy, elite has spread as an epidemic through the ranks of the highest offices in the United States. The assault threatens the very foundations of this nation. This country's core principles have been denigrated, and the Constitution has been twisted to satisfy a leftist agenda that stands in direct opposition of the original intent of the document.
In the deepest depths of our core we realize something is wrong. We, as Americans, were raised in liberty, and we know instinctively when our freedoms are in danger. Americans are becoming more informed regarding the destruction of the American System by the liberal democrats, but what are we doing about it? We have seen a renewed interest in the Constitution. As the Obama Presidency progresses, we have become more determined to right the ship, to reverse the liberal agenda's direct assault on freedom, and the system of limited government created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, but are we doing enough?
Armed with the knowledge that the instruction booklet for taking back America is a small document called the U.S. Constitution, it is time we put our knowledge of the Constitution into action. As Americans seek to understand the founding principles and enduring truths that form the foundation of our system of government, we must apply them at all levels of government, and demand that the politicians adhere to the oath they have given to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
September 17th should be a national holiday. It should be an important day to Americans. It isn't just another day, but an important observation of the day that the greatest governing document ever created was signed.
We the People are what the Constitution is all about. The document limits the authority of the federal government so as to protect the people from tyranny. The more of us that understand this, and demand a return to the Constitution, the greater the chance that we will finally reach a tipping point, a vital tipping point where we begin a revolution of knowledge and action that turns this nation around, returning it to the principles and philosophies it was founded upon.
The Constitution has endured for over 200 years, and its enduring integrity cannot be taken for granted. We must be educated regarding the Constitution's principles, and we must fight to preserve the Constitution, for our nation's future depends on it.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Read "25 Myths of the United States Constitution" by Douglas V. Gibbs.
Watch for his next book October 1, 2014 - The Basic Constitution: The Principles and Philosophies of the United States Constitution.
White House Celebrates Constitution Day with a Picture of Obama - Townhall
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