Friday, September 26, 2014

Eric Holder to Step Down

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Like President Barack Obama, Eric Holder has shown us that he believes he is above the law, above the people, and that everyone should cower beneath his might.  But, after a long reign as United States Attorney General, Black Nationalist Eric Holder has decided he will step down.  After five and a half years of unconstitutionally seizing power for the executive branch, using his position to pursue Obama's political enemies, using civilian courts to try foreign enemies of the United States that plotted the September 11, 2001 attacks (later sending those cases to military court as a result of public outcry and pressure), and refusal to go after legally those he should have such as the New Black Panthers for their voter suppression tactics during presidential elections, Holder will hand the reins off to the next Marxist in line.  Holder is the fourth-longest tenured Attorney General in history, but was no stranger to the Justice Department, where he previously worked as a young corruption prosecutor (ironic, isn't it?) and as deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration.

The tenure of Eric Holder has been marked by his leftist rhetoric, partisan actions, and racist comments such as in his 2009 Black History Month speech where he said the country was "a nation of cowards" when it comes to discussions about racial tension.

Holder will be remembered as being the one that picked which laws to defend, and which ones not to, based on his political bias, as well as his difficult relationship with Congress from the nomination process, to shrugging off his moments in front of Congress, speaking off the cuff, and refusing to hand over documents about the various Obama scandals - which, in the case of Fast and Furious, led to a charge of contempt by Congress.

Holder has not revealed what is next for him.  Mayor of Chicago has already been taken by Rahm Emanuel.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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