Monday, September 22, 2014

Fallen America

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Tales of apocalypse, followed by a dystopian nightmare political system that takes complete oligarchy style control, using technology that makes Orwell's big brother look like small potatoes, is a commonly used theme in much of today's, and yesterday's, science fiction genre.  As an avid reader, I have read quite a few of them.  Even the most liberal of science fiction writers understand human nature, and how the tendency of humanity is to devolve into the chaos of tyranny, and the slavery of a system ruled over by a ruling elite.  Liberty is not the norm in history, nor shall it be the norm in the future.  Only a virtuous people is capable of freedom, and we fall short of the glory each and every time if left to our own devices, and if we fail to follow the set standards of morality and limited government as offered in Scripture, and the United States Constitution.

In those fictional tales the apocalyptic writers offer, the world after the fall of America, and the demise of the capitalistic economic system, leaves the world in a dark place, a gloomy world of government control, invasive technology, and a yearning for a world when people were once free.  The slavery of the future, however, is not caused by individual-centric systems, and the free choice of informed citizens, but is the result of an uninformed public allowing the powers-that-be to bring about tyranny in the name of the socialist-wealthy, and the powerful, claiming they were following a dream of utopia.  No money, no war, possessions, no suffering, and a society where people do the things they do, not for themselves, but for the benefit of the community around them.

Dreaming that humanity is capable of achieving a utopian society is ambitious, but simply fiction.

The Founding Fathers understood human nature.  This nation was not founded on fiction, but the reality of who we are as a flawed species.  The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and other writings by the founding fathers, were constructed following a lifetime of experience, and research.  The founding fathers studied history, including their own history of the Saxon System as Englishmen, as well as rise and fall of the Greek and Roman empires.  Their research, and heavy debates, led the framers of the Constitution to create a political system that would protect liberty, and last many generations, regardless of the change of the times. Because of their experience under the tyranny of a strong central government led by a far and distant king, they desired a system that divided power every which way it could be, placing local control over local issues, and vesting the authority to handle external issues, like common defense, in a federal government. The Constitution was designed to limit the power of the federal government, to only grant to the federal government the powers necessary to protect, preserve, and promote the union of united States. The States were autonomous, sovereign, individual entities bound together by the federal government for protection of the whole. Local issues were supposed to be state issues. The federal government had no right to overturn any state law, and was specifically tasked with defending the nation, securing the borders, creating post roads, and solving any dispute between the states should one arise - to name a few. The idea was that local government serves the local people best, and if a law in a state was not to the liking of a citizen, the American citizens in each State had the choice to move to a state more to his political liking, or try to change the laws in his or her own state.

Since the creation of the recipe for freedom, foreign ingredients have been inserted, damaging the dynamics of our government, and tainting the final product presented for consumption.  Statism has used the judiciary as their point of attack, growing the judicial branch to a level not intended, enabling activist judges to sour our system of limited government, beginning with John Marshall's Marbury v. Madison ruling and opinion in 1803.  Case law has become a dangerous counterfeit version of Constitutional Law for the collectivist powerful, a system used by them to subvert the Constitution, using cases like Roe v. Wade in 1973 to blatantly and unconsitutional overturn a Texas State law on a State issue.

People tell me the system is broken, and that it is the fault of the Constitution, calling it outdated, and antiquated, without being willing to recognize that the perfect recipe has been laced with poison and rotted ingredients.  The Constitution is not the problem, the unconstitutional tampering with it is the problem - beginning with judges legislating from the bench.

Power became less divided in Congress when the 17th Amendment took away the representation in Congress of the States. The House of Representatives was for the people, and the Senate was originally for the States - thus further dividing power, and creating a natural check and balance within Congress.

Even the office of President of the United States was carefully crafted. The founders did not wish him to have kingly powers, for that kind of power always leads to abuse by the person holding the office.  A powerful executive is always a killer of liberty. The Framers, however, also did not desire a president so weak that he was unable to protect the union when called to.

The Legislative Branch and Executive Branch were designed to be significantly different from each other.  Yet, the founding fathers designed a way they could also be connected by making the Vice President of the United States the President of the Senate. The Vice President, though his vote would only count in the event of a tie, was tasked with being involved in the Senate, a voice of the executive among the appointed Senators who were specifically supposed to be concerned with what was best for their States.

The Vice President was not supposed to be the President's personal gopher, or mindless "yes man."  The Vice President of the United States, in addition to being next in line in the case of a vacancy of the presidency, was originally intended to be the voice of the Executive Branch in the Senate, and a Legislative voice in the White House - the connector between two branches of government designed to be separated by Montesquieu's concept of "Separation of Powers."  The Vice President was tasked with the job of being an active participant in Senate sessions, arguing and debating, providing the side of the Executive Branch during the sessions, ensuring that the Senate heard an additional argument to the many issues that lay before them.

Not only has the original intentions of this American Government been pushed aside by the politicians that refuse to be statesmen in Washington DC, loading the American System with ingredients designed to poison the limiting principles baked into the recipe, but even people who claim to defend the Constitution sometimes get it wrong, conditioned to believe ours is a democracy, when in reality it is a representative republic.

The desire to bring down the American system is no longer simply the goal of a far fringe left that worships Stalin, Lenin and Marx.  No longer is the attempt to make a fallen America a reality something that only foreign enemies are working towards.  The enemy has infiltrated our government.  The mainstream of an American political party is determined to fundamentally transform the United States.  They have been at it for over a century, but the reality of the existence of left-wing anti-Americanism emerged in plain sight for all to see in May, 2008, when Barack Obama was spotted reading the book, The Post-American World.

For the last six years, a nightmare commenced. Our nation, under the guidance of the Democrat controlled United States Congress and President Barack Obama, has been in grave danger.  In the 2010 Election the TEA Party landslide for the Republican Party has slowed the bleeding, a little, but in the face of the threat of terrorism, international oil cartels, drug lords from south of the border, rogue nations seeking nuclear weapons, a Russian leader with dreams of resurrecting the Soviet Union conducting an invasion of Ukraine, and the United Nations trying to force international law into the place where the U.S. Constitution is supposed to be, the reality is that the man in the White House has been injecting a massive amount of poison into our system, and we are on the verge of societal collapse.

Policies determined to bring down America, however, are not enough for the current presidential administration. Barack Obama travels the world apologizing for America's exceptionalism, while trying to speak loudly about threats like ISIS in Iraq, while in reality carrying a wet noodle that nobody believes will be effective against an Islamic threat that is threatening to plunge the world into a global jihad.

Obama believes that reaching out to America's enemies strengthens the U.S. position in dealing with them, as if a few friendly words (as they insult him) will make them change their ways.  He has no intention on protecting the union, for he believes it should be a small part of a global oligarchy, where the most powerful rule the world. . . and if he brings down America, he believes they'll let him be a part of their global empire - and maybe even let him be president of the world.

To make it happen, the Democrats know they must orchestrate the eventual fall of America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Anti-American Barack Obama is Reading "The Post-American World" - Political Pistachio

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