Potential allies against ISIS doubt America’s commitment to being engaged abroad; "Jihadist logic": lure the U.S. into the fight that Obama will quit, as in Iraq, Libya, and (soon) Afghanistan; The Obamedia can't stamp out the National Football League fast enough, can they?; The anti-gun extremists prosecutor who sought to imprison her Shaneen Allen for over a decade and cast her two young boys to the four welfare winds shows signs of relenting. What a pussy; the Obamedia tried to pre-emptively take out Chris Christie with Bridgegate, and guess what? They've failed. Miserably; and while the leftwing Nutroots prepare to "punish" "establishment Democrats," the GOP prepares to bail them out by electorally underachieving once again.
I'm baaaaaack - if perhaps only briefly - for Open Thighs Friday at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.
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