Friday, September 26, 2014

Sharpton Wants Role In Picking Holder's Successor

by JASmius

Well, of course he does.  And he'll get it, too:

Sharpton said in a statement that his civil rights organization, the National Action Network, is "engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on their deliberations over a successor, whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder."

Sharpton also praised Holder, who will step down once a replacement is found after a term that began in February 2009.

"The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the civil rights community," Sharpton said. "We are proud that he has been the best attorney general on civil rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most.

"His accomplishments in working to protect American’s from terrorism, fighting to protect voter rights, challenging unfair sentencing, directing U.S. attorneys on fair prosecution, and being the only attorney general to visit the site of a civil rights complaint in Ferguson must be noted in American history."

So much for the bootlicking fecality phase of the recounting of the Holder "legacy".  Want a brief summary of the rest of it?

1) Partisan, ideologically discriminatory hiring practices, which defeats the core purpose of the civil service system stretching back some 130 years to its creation.

2) The Fort Hood scandal;

3) The Associated Press spying scandal;

4) The James Rosen spying scandal;

5) The Mark Rich pardon scandal under Bill Clinton;

6) The Weather Underground pardon scandal, also under Sick Willie;

7) Holder's partisan, ideological war against the First Amendment, particularly as it pertains to the slightest criticism of Islam or Muslims;

8) Holder's open hostility, bigotry, and hatemongering against conservatives; here as some direct quotes:

  • “Conservatives have been defenders of the status quo, afraid of the future, and content to allow to continue to exist all but the most blatant inequalities.”
  • Conservatives have “made a mockery of the rule of law.”
  • Conservatives try to “put the environment at risk for the sake of unproven economic theories, to play to the fears of our citizens, and not to their hopes, and to return the nation to a time that in fact never existed.”
  • Conservatives are “breathtaking” in their “arrogance,” which manifests itself in such things as “attacks on abortion rights,” “energy policies that are as shortsighted as they are ineffective,” and “tax cuts that disproportionately favor those who are well off and perpetuate many of the inequities in our nation.”
  • The hallmarks of the “conservative agenda” include “social division, mindless tax cutting, and a defense posture that does not really make us safer.”
  • “The nation must be convinced that it is a progressive future that holds the greatest promise for equality and the continuation of those policies that serve to support the greatest number of our people. In the short term this will not be an easy task. With the mainstream media somewhat cowered by conservative critics, and the conservative media disseminating the news in anything but a fair and balanced manner, and you know what I mean there, the means to reach the greatest number of people is not easily accessible.”
9) Holder's partisan, ideological war against the Second Amendment;

10) Holder's coddling of jihadists as criminal defendants instead of illegal enemy combatants not entitled to any domestic or international legal protections;

11) Holder's abuse of the Constitution's Supremacy Clause to illegally quash Arizona's assertion of concurrent immigration jurisdiction to enforce its portion of the U.S. southern border, as well as not filing its unconstitutional challenge at the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutionally required (i.e. illegal "judge-shopping");

12) Holder's enthusiastic racist backing and endorsement of voter suppression and intimidation in blatant violation of civil rights laws when the perpetrators are the Black Panthers and the victims are white;

13) Holder's enthusiastic backing, endorsement, and facilitation of nationwide pro-Democrat voter fraud;

14) The Fast & Furious scandal;

15) Holder's Islamophilic/dhimmi-ist expunging of any and all jihadist references and nomenclature from FBI training course, materials, and texts;

16) Holder's pro-jihadist proselytizing.

That's the merest taste of the Obamunist filthmonger's reign of terror.  No wonder Rev'rund Al likes him so much.

Which, in turn, practically telegraphs his next career step:

Attorney General Eric Holder's resignation could be a move to make him eligible for a higher office – Supreme Court justice, says talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

"It would be much easier for Eric Holder to make the jump from private sector law firm rainmaker after six years at DOJ to the Supreme Court, than from DOJ straight to the Supreme Court," Limbaugh said on his radio show Thursday.

Ostensibly The One wants Holder to replace Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg on Olympus, but you know whose place he really wants Eric "The Red" to take: Chief Justice John Roberts, that's who.  Think of it: Barack Obama as president-for-life, Nancy Pelosi and Harry (G)Reid ruling Congress, and Eric Holder ruling the Judicial Branch.  It'd be like a real-life Legion of Doom.

If I were Chief Justice Roberts, I'd hire extra security, and be alert to my meals "tasting funny" from now on.

And John Boehner, too.

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