Thursday, September 18, 2014

Taliban Loses Three Dream-Teamers To ISIS In Jihadist Free Agency

by JASmius

The only surprise is that al-Baghdadi didn't sign away all five of them:

It is being reported that at least 3 of the 5 detainees involved in the swap have joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq as commanders and are using that rank to usher in an "Islamic Caliphate" (a Sunni Islamic Theocracy - contrary to Obama's claims that ISIS is not Islamic).

The "Taliban 5" who were transferred from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to custody in Doha, Qatar, are Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Norullah Noori, and Mohammad Nabi Omari. They have largely disappeared from view since they were dropped off in Doha, but eyewitnesses place Fazi, Wasiq, and Noori in Iraq and Syria fighting with ISIS.

This confirms our worst fears when the swap took place. [emphasis added]

Now to be fair (although I frankly don't know why I'm bothering), "Political Ears" doesn't provide a linked source for this natural progression of Obamunist Middle East policy, so we don't know from where this report is coming.  A cursory Google search shows it being passed around the Right-o-sphere with "Political Ears" as the origin point, so be fairly warned about what is, near as I can tell, an unsourced story.

But isn't such a development beyond plausible?  Almost inevitable?  And isn't the justification for using the "T" word in the same breath as King Hussein becoming well-nigh deafening?

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