Such public candor from the Sturmabteilung of the Obama Regime is positively refreshing:
A former head of the New Black Panther Party called for a “rebellion” against the United States government if Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted by a grand jury for the murder of Michael Brown.
Malik Zulu Shabazz, head of Black Lawyers for Justice, appeared on Fox News Radio this week with John Gibson to make the remarks, according to Breitbart.
Gibson asked him if police were justified in their use of force when protesters threw rocks and bottles at them.
Shabazz said that he had witnessed the police making up stories about violent protesters to justify their own violence, but admitted that “a few” protesters had thrown rocks and bottles.
He then tried to compare the throwing of bottles and rocks at law enforcement to American colonists throwing tea into Boston Harbor in 1773....
While Shabazz allowed that he would not specifically call for violence, he also refused to condemn it. “The authority of the white man and white America is illegitimate,” he said. “You have been killing us for 400 years.”
Shabazz also distinguished between illegal “riots” and what he called constitutionally-mandated “rebellion” against a tyrannical government.
Nothing here we didn't already know. Shabazz is simply being unabashedly honest about it. The only thing I can't quite get my mind around is to which "government" he's referring as being "tyrannical" - the municipal governments of Ferguson and St. Louis (run by Democrats), the State government of Missouri (run by Democrats) or the Obama Regime itself, run by Shabazz's lord, savior, and "massah". While they're all, indeed, tyrannical, they're all also either actively on the Black Panthers' side or cowed into passive submission. So these "civil/race war" threats would seem to be designed to intimidate local authorities into carrying out the racist hit (literally) on the poor police officer who was only defending himself against a berserk young black man the size of Terrance "Pot Roast" Knighton who was quite demonstrably trying to kill him. And after that would come the jury stacking, tampering, and/or nullification. Whatever it took to get Officer Wilson dangling from a gallows (the Left loves capital punishment as long as the "right" people are executed).
Will Shabazz get what he wants? Are you kidding?
But on the off chance that he doesn't, he might want to rethink that mass racist rebellion against the federal government, because some of his "brothers" aren't all that convinced (NSFW):
Of course, what this "gentleman" isn't taking into account is that such an uprising would quite likely be aided and abetted by federal troops as an excuse to declare martial law, at least in Missouri, and perhaps anywhere else that the BP managed to stage large enough uprisings.
Malik Zulu Shabazz is simply trying to light the fuse, a "smidgeon" too indiscretely. But the bomb is in Washington, D.C., awaiting the opportune crisis toward which to detonate. If there is a saving grace, it's that there are so many potential opportune crises burgeoning simultaneously, confusion, indecision, and vertigo may prove sufficiently mitigating to provide a way of escape.
But I doubt it.
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