In case you're keeping score at home, this would be the eleventh reason ebola is going to kill us all:
A State Department memo confirms that the Obama administration is considering allowing non-U.S. citizens with Ebola to come into the country for treatment, Fox News reports.
The internal memo is marked "Sensitive," but unclassified and was written by a State Department official, reporter Mike Emanuel said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "Special Report."
Meaning the White House wanted this story to come out. To stoke public panic after another round of calls not to, perhaps?
At issue, according to the memo, is American leadership.
i.e. Leading the world in being decimated by hemorrhagic fever.
Parenthetically, all of you who endlessly smack The One for his "failures of leadership" are probably in serious need of a bottle of tranquilizers right about now.
The United States should "act as we are asking others to act by admitting certain non-citizens into the country for medical treatment for Ebola virus disease during the Ebola crisis," the memo reads.
So it wasn't bad enough that O sent troops not to Iraq and Syria to fight the Islamic State but to West Africa to catch, incubate, and bring home the contagion, but now he's going to deliberately import the epidemic even though there's no cure, no known treatment, and from as few as four to no more than sixty hospitals in the entire country that are trained and equipped to handle ebola cases, and they will soon be overwhelmed as it is.
On the other hand, maybe the White House didn't want this story to come out quite yet:
Earlier Tuesday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said he was unaware of any plans to bring non-U.S. citizens with Ebola into the country.
Which, of course, is not a denial, but simply a "no comment". And then there's this tidbit:
[House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob] Goodlatte (R-VA6) told Fox News Channel's "The Kelly File" Monday night that someone from inside the administration had told him of the plan.
Goodlatte said he has not gotten a response to his letter, and Fox News said requests for a State Department response have gone unanswered.
A cry for help, a sounding of the alarm, from "somebody" in the Regime whose conscience and sanity have not yet been completely expunged? Why, I wonder, would the Obama White House want to quietly sneak foreign ebola cases into the U.S.?
That's a rhetorical question, of course. Want another one? Here goes: Why does the term "harvesting" immediately come to mind?
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