Friday, October 10, 2014

Wolf Blitzer's Pro-Jihadist "Gotcha!" Attempt

by JASmius

Representative Jason Chaffetz reacts to the latest statement by Representative Duncan Hunter that PKK members have crossed the U.S. border.

Tomato, tomahto.  And boy do we wish we could call the whole thing off.

But this just goes to underscore how Republicans are allowed less than no room for error, less than no buffer, and how our guys and gals have to be 1,000% factually accurate in each and every public statement they make.  It sucks; it's not fair; it won't prevent Obamedia "gotcha!"-ing like this in any case; and it doesn't change the fact that ISIS and al Qaeda and Hamas and Hezbollah, etc. have almost certainly infiltrated hundreds of fighters and operatives into our territory unbeknownst and unfettered over the past six years and it would be a dereliction of duty to not point this out.  But the American Left is every bit as much the enemy as the jihadists, they're already all within our borders, their demigod rules the country, and thus, resurrecting the Old Republic while walking on a tightrope without any counter-balancing doohickey getting shot at from half a dozen different directions is simply the hand we've been dealt.

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