Saturday, November 22, 2014

Amnesty Will Let Criminals Stay

by JASmius

But of course.  They wouldn't make reliable Democrat voters otherwise:

The [Commissariat] of Homeland Security has just released new "Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants." Designed to fill in the details after President Obama's announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers[, voter registration cards,] and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation's immigration and border security officers as they administer the president's directive.

Who, if they were following their own constitutional oaths, would refuse to do so based on the self-evident fact that the "directive" is, by definition, unlawful.

The new priorities are striking.

Aren't they, though?  My stars and garters!  (Yes, I'm ripping off Kelsey Grammar here, but it was either that, or "My truss and chinstrap!"  Which, If I had garters, they would uncomfortably resemble.)

On the tough side ["Priority One"], the president wants U.S. immigration authorities to go after terrorists, felons, and new illegal border crossers.

Does anybody seriously believe that, coming from a Regime that embraces terrorists (both foreign and domestic), is littered from top to bottom with should-be felons, and hasn't "gone after" illegal border crossers in its six year (and counting) tenure?  Madre Dios, after the Immigration Proclamation, crossing the border cannot, as a practical matter, even be considered illegal anymore.

On the not-so-tough ["Priority Two"] side, the administration views convicted drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, and gun offenders as second-level enforcement priorities. An illegal immigrant could spend up to a year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top removal priority for the Obama administration. [emphases added]

Put another way, illegal alien drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, and violent offenders have now been elevated to a higher level of Obamerikastani society than actual American citizens.  "What a country!," as Yakoff Smirnoff used to say.

As you might have expected, "Priority One" has a loophole big enough through which to drive a locomotive with illegals clinging to the top of it:

The guidelines say Priority One aliens "must be prioritized" for deportation unless they qualify for asylum or unless there are "compelling and exceptional" factors that indicate the alien is not a threat. [emphasis added]

How would a terrorist or felon qualify for asylum here?  Have we ever made a habit of granting asylum to terrorists and felons?  Before now, at least?  Why would we ever want to grant asylum to terrorists and felons?  As for "new illegal border crossers," aren't they just the future beneficiaries of O's next amnesty decree, which is set to become an effective assembly line?

Then we have "compelling and exceptional" factors.  What in the blue hell does that mean?  Answer: Anything King Hussein wants it to mean.  Which, in turn, means whatever benefits him and the Democrat Party politically.  And if you're wondering at this point what could possibly be "compelling and exceptional factors" that would indicate that a terrorist and/or felon isn't a threat, you're sorely lacking in imagination.  How about that they're Muslim?  That seems to excuse a multitude of mass-murders, severed heads, crucifixions, bombings, systematic misogynies and homophobias, among other things, where the Obama Regime is concerned.  And then there's their exceedingly high likelihood of voting Democrat, which covers any sins that being Muslim might possibly miss.

Oh, and here's a devilish little detail about "Priority Two":

Priority Two also includes "aliens convicted of three or more misdemeanor offenses, other than minor traffic offenses or state or local offenses for which an essential element was the alien's immigration status." But there's an important footnote to that. The three offenses must arise out of three separate incidents. If an illegal immigrant committed a single act that resulted in multiple misdemeanor charges, it would count as one charge for DHS counting purposes. [emphases added]

Maybe I've forgotten something here, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this, but aren't sex offenses and drug-dealing felonies?  At least in some or most instances?  And doesn't this provide an effective "get out of jail free card" incentive to illegals to commit the first two such "minor" offenses with impunity, and as many times as they want on each occasion?  You could almost get the impression that the Obama Regime wants to spark a nation-wide crime wave, and with it, perhaps, yet another pretext for declaring martial law.

Incidentally, there is a "Priority Three":

...those who have simply violated the nation's immigration laws seriously enough to have been issued a final order of removal.

Because apparently, violating U.S. immigration laws - which, equivalently speaking, is considered a serious offense in every other (non-failed) country on the planet - is, in the august and regal opinion of his imperial majesty, not worthy of being considered a felony or even a misdemeanor.  Because coming to Obamerikastan to suck off of, vocationally displace, culturally subvert, and criminally prey upon its legal and native-born citizens isn't a crime or an outrage - it is a demigod-given right.

The ProclamaciΓ³n de InmigraciΓ³n says so, after all.  Which you could read for yourself, unless you don't understand Spanish.  But don't worry, we'll all learn that in the re-education camps.

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