Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bill's Gift To Liberals

by JASmius


Is it possible to undo the Obama legacy? Bill has an idea.

An idea that is far more snark than substance.  Regardless of his ethnic and cultural heritages, the policy legacy of the Obamadency will be with us for generations to come - just as he intended.  For example, the last chance to get rid of ObamaCare before too many Americans became dependent on it was the 2012 election.  Barack Obama's re-election, driven by either voter fraud or voter insanity or some combination therein, ensured that the Unaffordable Care-Less Act would be entrenched for good, a partaker of the same bureaucratic immortality that Ronald Reagan once memorably described, right alongside Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  By 2017 full repeal will be politically impossible, and the attempt would generate a backlash of such media-fueled public hostility that the stink of it would quash whatever nascent constitutional revival had blossomed to that point.

Just as The One intended.

But, of course, Bill is referring to O's political legacy, even though his policy legacy makes that pretty much a fait accompli - especially after his Executive amnesty decree swamps all "red" states with "blue" voters and entrenches the Democrat Party in power forever.  So what Bill is discussing here is remote hypothesis at best, delusional fantasy at worst.

But to engage it for its own sake, reframing Barack Obama as something other than "The First Black President" would be a delightful prospect, assuming that "black America" would ever eventually buy into it.  And while the "African-American spring" I've written about recently suggests that such a common realization may one day become possible, that day is still years, even generations, in the future, just as this embryonic awakening was when LBJ first insidiously propagated welfare slavery on their ancestors half a century ago.

But Bill does seek to give a gift to liberals; just not in the way he's envisioning: a rafter of outstanding black conservatives that is, at the present time, wholly unqualified for the presidency.  We must remember that just because a man or woman agrees with us and can articulate the message of constitutional conservatism effectively doesn't make him or her presidential timbre.  Colonel Alan West is a great man, but his sole foray into Congress came to a swift and brutal end.  Representative-Elect Mia Love (R-UT4) has just embarked on her political career and has limitless potential - if she has eventual presidential ambitions, one hopes she will run for and serve as Governor of Utah at some point.  Ditto Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) in his State.  But Herman Cain?  Dr. Ben Carson?  Like the rest, they are great individuals of honor, ability, and unimpeachable integrity; but with zero political experience, they simply are not qualified for high elective office.  The presidency is not an entry-level position, and pushing black conservatives pre-maturely in that direction can only result in their being destroyed by the Left before they can ever reach that level.

As with so many Tea Partiers, Bill's heart is in the right place.  But his head is, I regret to have to say, out to lunch.

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