Friday, November 07, 2014

'Great Unrest' Among Democrats Over Pelosi

by JASmius

Looks like House Democrats still "haven't found the right socialist" either:

No Democrat dares publicly challenge powerful House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, even after losing the House in 2010 and losing more members on Tuesday.

In a word: DCCC fundraising, among other party sources.  Of which any member of the Donk caucus who openly oppose her will never see another dime.

But privately, "there is great unrest," one Democrat said Thursday.

“As a party, we need to change,” the unnamed Democrat told Politico.

Would that be ideologically?  Philosophically?  Morally?  Update their policy portfolio by eighty years or so and stop dragging around FDR's corpse like a Weekend At Bernie's sequel?

Don't be silly:

His comments reflected a growing unease among rank-and-file Democrats, who still believe their policies are popular among the American public but complain that Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic congressional leadership are failing to broaden the party’s appeal.

Translation: Granny Rictus McBotox has spoiled the Donk "brand".  As if chicken crap can be "fundamentally transformed" into chicken salad by stirring it with a different fork.  An absurdity which, as we have seen for generations, they always pull off.

Or at least they do when they don't select mentally-impaired megalomaniacs for leaders who refuse to stop being "powerful":

Pelosi and Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland-5 sent letters to their colleagues on Wednesday, announcing they will run again for their posts in the November 18th closed-door party leadership election.

"To succeed, we must inspire, educate and remove obstacles to participation. Only by changing our political environment and broadening the universe of the electorate can we build a strong sense of community and an economy that works for everyone," Pelosi wrote.

In other words, "Don't worry, the president is going to decree amnesty for all 'undocumented visitors,' and we'll be permanently back in the majority by 2018 at the latest.  So don't get your shorts in a wad."

"This basic and even nonpartisan challenge, which many of you told me you share, have convinced me to place my name in nomination for Leader when our Caucus meets," she wrote. "I respectfully request your support, your comments and your participation."

"Back me or none of you will ever so much as sit on a county sewage commission ever again."

So far, only one House Dem - newly-elected Gwen Graham of Florida-2 - has publicly crossed the Ugly Dutchess, and she hasn't even gotten to D.C. yet.  And now may never get there at all.

But as is always the case with leadership coups, the "insurgents" must have an alternative in mind.  And the list of names bandied about - Xavier Becerra of California-34, the Democrat Caucus chairman; Budget Committee ranking member Chris Van Hollen of Maryland-8; and Steve Israel of New York-3, chairman of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee - are scarcely any less insane than Pelosi is.  Although I have to say that given current demographic trends (i.e. the race to see if we'll all be forcibly speaking Spanish, Chinese or Farsi a generation from now), a crazy Hispanic male would probably be a more politically useful House Donk leader than a crazy old white hag, a crazy WASP male, or a crazy Jew.  Plus I could nickname Becerra "Señor X," kind of like if Charles Xavier had an evil Hispanic twin.

The irony is that of the two House caucus leaders, Nancy Pelosi may be the least threatened:

Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas-1 has dropped a tantalizing hint that he's interested in taking over the pivotal position of House Speaker from John Boehner next year.

I'm not sure what's so "tantalizing" about it, personally.  Boehner's ACU rating is 87, Gohmert's is 96.  I guess that makes the Texan more "pure," but leadership is about more than ideological bona fides - like, for example, one's willingness to take a job that amounts to herding cats.

Asked Thursday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV whether he thought Boehner, an Ohio Republican, will retain his powerful seat on Capitol Hill, Gohmert replied: "It's never over till it's over."

Gohmert, who is vice chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, was then quizzed on whether he was interested in the job himself.

"I hadn't planned on it. I'm running for the RSC chair," Gohmert answered, referring to the Republican Study Committee, a group of House Republicans charged with advancing a conservative social and economic agenda.

Gohmert then added:

"But it's always good when you have choices."

Translation: Either Gohmert is not running for Speaker, or he knows something about Boehner's level of support that we don't.

My advice, Congressman?  Don't bother.  Judging by the past four years, it wouldn't be nearly worth the pay raise.  Even if "Gohmert" does rhyme with "Boehner."

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