Hell hath no fury like an anti-Semite scorned:
In a dramatic development, Israeli cabinet members are warning that US President Barack Obama threatened Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US may opt not to oppose future hostile UN Security Council votes, unless Israel accedes to American policy demands, Israel’s NRG News reported on Sunday.
“The prime minister told colleagues in recent days … that his office’s understanding of the issue and the government’s take on it is that the Americans will not cast a veto against a resolution that reaches the Security Council,” Ariel Kahana, diplomatic correspondent for the Makor Rishon and NRG dailies, told The Algemeiner on Monday, quoting ministerial-level sources.
The information was shared at a session of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) Party, led by Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, and at which party members Uri Ariel and Ze’ev Hever were present, according to Kahana.
The threat, at least as leaked, implies that the United States is prepared to abandon Israel in the dock of the world body, a step that could further destabilize relations between the two allies to an unprecedented degree, Kahana said.
The Palestinians, according to one version, are demanding Israeli pull backs to the pre-'67 war lines by 2016, while another version says the UNSC threat refers to halting any and all Israeli construction beyond those areas.
Palestinian Authority (PA) UN representative Riyad Mansour said on Friday that “The main option is to go with a vote.”
PA officials said a day earlier that they have seven out of a needed nine “yes” votes in the 15-member Security Council, and the resolution can be vetoed by one of the five permanent members – among the the U.S....
Kahana, however, pointed to a recent article in The Atlantic by Jeffery Goldberg – who is commonly seen as reflecting the U.S. administration’s views towards Israel – referencing the U.S. pressure, but from the American point of view.
Citing what he called “red-hot” anger by the Obama administration “over Israel’s settlement policies,” and his view that “the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama’s understanding of the Middle East,” Goldberg warned that “Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.”
Chickenshit changes, no doubt. To petulantly and treacherously reflect Barack Obama's understanding of the Middle East, and earn even greater gobs of Bibi's well-deserved contempt. As well as further destabilizing an already jihadized region. Think the mullahs are watching this with interest?
I cannot help but be reminded of the Abrahamic Covenant:
And I will bless those who bless [Israel], and the one who curses [Israel] I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Pretty clear-cut, I'd say.
We'd better be about a hard-core carrying out of II Chronicles 7:14:
[A]nd My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
We may take back the Senate tonight, but nothing can stop Barack Obama from a full-fledged reign of terror for the next two years, and probably beyond. It's high time we entreat an even higher Authority.
[h/t: Atlas Shrugs]
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