Friday, December 26, 2014

Amnesty Order’s Cost: $48 Million A Year & Rising

by JASmius

Forty eight million bucks doesn't sound like a lot in government spending terms.  But think of it like the minimal downpayment you placed on your first home - a tiny, tiny speck compared to the huge, multi-faceted costs Obamnesty has in store in the very near future:

The high cost of President Barack Obama's executive action in granting amnesty from deportation for as many as 5 million illegal aliens is beginning to be revealed — for openers, 1,000 new federal employees to process them, at $40 million in salaries per year, and a newly signed $7.8 million annual lease for office space in a new building in Crystal City, Virginia.

The Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is hiring people for jobs ranging in salary up to $157,000 a year, Fox News Latino reported.

The Washington Times noted that hiring for the new positions was posted just 10 days after November 20th, when Obama announced his unilateral executive action, indicating that plans for the hiring were well in place before the announcement.

Senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL, reacted with anger, stating the new office building and hiring are "a clear symbol of the president’s defiance of the American people, their laws and their Constitution," the Washington Post reported.

Sessions added that Obama is "hiring federal employees to carry out a directive that violates the laws Congress has passed in order to foist on the nation laws Congress has repeatedly refused to pass," the Post said.

The cost in terms of the additional crushing burden on the so-called "welfare safety net" will run into the tens of billions at least, and the cost to the American people in terms of jobs hijacked by illegals will be equal, if not more exorbitant.  By the time this sorry-assed outrage is through - if it ever is - that forty eight mil is going to look like a squirt in the septic tank.

But there are costs to which a dollar sign cannot be affixed.  What about the cost to the rule of law?  To respect for the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land?  John Adams once said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  What he meant by that is the "fruit of the Spirit" known as "self-control".  A moral and religious people will not obsessively and willfully pursue their own partisan/ideological agenda "at any cost," to the disregard of the law and Constitution that protects their liberties along with everybody else's.  It means they will recognize and respect and submit to the common boundaries and framework that the Founders bequeathed us and work for their party and/or cause within those voluntarily accepted limits, because that ensures liberty for everybody, including them.

What Barack Obama has done for six years, and now completely out in the open, above board, and in our faces, is to throw those constitutional boundaries aside, raise himself and his ideology and party above the law and Constitution, and illegally force his agenda - amnesty in this case, but also countless other issues - on the rest of us.  If he is allowed to succeed, to get away with this act of abject despotism, the precedent it will set will cost America far more than any amount of money, although that will be bad enough.  It will cost America its 225-year-old soul.  And that comes from somebody who believes that the Old American Republic died two years ago with Barack Obama's re-election.

This was why the GOP grassroots considered the CROmnibus to be a "betrayal".  Elected Republicans were looking strictly at their own short-term political neuroses; we out in "flyover country" are looking at the big picture, and that picture is becoming impossible to stomach.  God knows it would have made the Founding Fathers nauseous - and incredulously angry, and heartbroken, that so few Americans seem to give a damn what The One is doing to the country they left behind for their posterity, whose heights of greatness, prosperity, and power they probably never imagined - or even realize that they should give a damn.

Sometimes tyrants do things that nobody at the time wants to recognize for the tyranny it so transparently is.  And so the tyranny succeeds, and it grows cancerously, and it creates all manner of misery and violence and destruction that could have been so comparatively easy to nip in the bud with a modicum of vision, courage, and decisiveness.

Looks like George Santayana knew what he was talking about.  Damn it.

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