Kyle Reece said it best (substitute the word "Democrats" for "terminator" and leftwing extremist issue/cause de jour for "dead"):
Gun control has been a losing issue for Democrats for decades. They still push it. They've made obnoxious, ghoulish hay out of every active shooting incident over the past few years, to no avail. They still push it. They've lost seventy House seats in the past two midterm elections. They still push it. They've lost a net of fourteen Senate seats, a gross of twenty-nine Senate seats, over the past five years. They still push it.
They can't be bargained with; they can't be reasoned with. They don't feel, pity, or remorse, or guilt. And they absolutely will not stop.
A handful of Democratic lawmakers said Tuesday they plan to push once again for universal background checks on all gun sales in the new Congress, even though they recognize it will be an uphill battle with Republicans taking majority control.
…The gun lobby has suggested that expanding background checks will only keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, because criminals will go around the law.
But Democrats disagree.
“Background checks won’t stop everyone, but it’s our first line of defense,” said Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA5), chairman of the House gun violence prevention task force. “We need to expand it, we need to do it now.”
Despite this little constitutional amendment:
A well regulated Militia [organized (National Guard) and unorganized (Us, The People)], being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. [emphasis added]
As in "no exceptions". As in all federal gun laws are unconstitutional.
And Democrats still push gun control. Because it is another sacrament of their godless, radical, extremist, blind-guide zealot civic religion.
Can you imagine of Republicans were even a tenth that dedicated and motivated to the cause of constitutionalism? Barack Hussein Obama would still be shaking down local store owners in Chicago, that's for damn sure.
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