Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fast & Furious "Gun Violence Prevention"

by JASmius

Smart power:

"Stop gun violence," huh?  Is not the assumption of this PSA that this young man's parents are violent, murderous gun nuts who have probably cut down numerous victims, somehow without anybody knowing or finding out about it, and he himself is a virtual prisoner and hostage in his own home, yet those same violent, murderous gun nuts are so somnolently careless that they'll just let him waltz into their armory, steal all their guns, and let him abscond with them to school, where he'll "report" them to the "proper authorities"?  Because what I see here is a normal, law-abiding couple with a teenage son who has been brainwashed by the State into embarking on a life of crime.  Indeed, by stealing his parents' gun(s) he's making "gun violence" more likely by those guns possibly falling into the hands of somebody who isn't law-abiding.

And then there's the matter of whether or not this lad has had any training in gun safety and usage - which, if he's been brainwashed into grabbing his parents' weapon(s), I'm going to guess he hasn't - in which case he's as likely as not to blow off some part of his anatomy or accidentally shoot somebody on the way to, or at, school.  And if not him, than certainly some of all the other little gun-runners the State has recruited.

I wasn't kidding when I used the phrase "brainwashed by the State into embarking on a life of crime" above.  If anything, I was lowballing it:

Moreover, in the course of his little ploy, the kid breaks pretty much every law on the books. He takes a gun out of his house (not only is this felony burglary, but he’s not old enough to carry a firearm in public); he then takes that gun into a school (that’s against federal and state law); and, finally, he transfers it to a teacher without a background check, thereby breaking the very rule that progressives tell us is necessary to keep us all safe from gun violence. [emphases added]

Malevolence and incompetence seem to be as joined at the hip with the Left as chocolate and peanut butter are for Reeces, Inc. and ketchup and mayonnaise are for Arctic Circle Restaurants.  Now that their demigod's star is setting (assuming it is, which is a dangerous assumption to make) and they're coming to realize that their dream of a permanent Democrat majority is sinking right along with it, they are absolutely, even maniacally, losing their collective(ist) minds.  Any remaining, tattered façade of logic, reasonableness, coherence, and sanity is being blasted straight out the nearest porthole in their frantic lunging for their radical, extremist leftwingnut zealotous goals.  They've already tried to divide Americans along lines of class, race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. (I'm sure there are more I'm missing, but I frankly don't want to bother looking them all up); now they want to turn children against their parents and into de facto government secret police agents.

But then, that's what Common Core is all about, isn't it?

And for what, pray? Typically, anti-gun commercials focus in on a specific safety issue: a lack of trigger locks, or background checks, or safe-storage, for example.

The aforementioned façade of "reasonableness" which, in days gone by, fooled a lot of the public into buying into the ostensible legitimacy of gun control.

This one seems to feature a child who is saying, “I don’t want any guns in the house at all.” This absolute approach is extreme, even for today’s class of wildly incompetent control freaks. Worse, perhaps, the child seems to believe that the public school system exists as a general service that he might use if he wishes to deprive his parents of their constitutional rights — an implication, let’s say, that is unlikely to win many converts.

Because it's the gun-grabbers being their leftwing extremist, militantly pacifist, tyrannical selves.  Gun control as an issue has never captured public sympathies the way the Left long ago did with education, health care, and (periodically) "kitchen table" economic issues.  This PSA blatantly concedes that reality.  It's like they're saying, "We're through trying to persuade you, we're done attempting to fool you; we're taking your guns away by any means necessary, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop us."

Of course, that doesn't mean the arms of the law-abiding will be destroyed; they'll quite possibly simply be "re-distributed" to more "politically favored" groups which "need them more".

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