Friday, December 19, 2014

Hands Up, "Stupid Sh*t’"

by JASmius

As with every other one of the Left's one-way streets, they can dish out pushback, but they most assuredly cannot take it.

And the best part here is, the pushback is coming from a police union rep.

New York Patrolman’s Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch told union members the following:

“There’s a book they make for us where if you carried it with you, you won’t need to go to the gym,” Lynch said. “Every time there’s a problem, they tell us what we can’t do. They tell us what we shouldn’t do. They never tell us what we can do. We’re going to take that book, their rules and we’re going to protect ourselves because they won’t. We will do it the way they want us to do it. We will do it with their stupid rules, even the ones that don’t work.”

Lynch also complained about members of “the United States Congress on the steps of the Capitol raising their hand as if police officers aren’t protecting their rights to do stupid shit like that,” referring to a December 11th demonstration in Washington. [emphasis added]

Reportedly (and not surprisingly), leftwingnuts are incensed at Mr. Lynch's effrontery is giving voice to what every sane person already knows: The whole "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" movement is a monument to racist extortion, built upon a foundation of flagrant, despicable, racist lies.  Or, more to the point, and in terms LIVs and NIVs understand, HUDS is not reasonable.  It's a transparent "gimmie-gimmie" temper tantrum with the ability to kill and maim lots of people and destroy lots of property.  It's dangerous, and that's what law enforcement exists to put a stop to.  But cops are being hamstrung from doing so by, in this case, New York City's "stupid rules" of engagement, and it's endangering police officers' safety.  And Patrick Lynch is not suffering these fools gladly.

Pushback against the Left is not only a healthy thing (including for them, though they'll never admit it), it is damned refreshing, if you ask me.

And in the case of Marc Fucarile, who lost a leg in the Boston Marathon bombing a year and a half ago, there's no question about who has the moral authority in this confrontation:

"Get a life," indeed - instead of trying to steal everyone else's on false, reprehensible pretenses, and believing yourselves entitled to do so.

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