Sunday, December 28, 2014

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise Defy Scientology

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The news that has the entertainment industry buzzing is that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes spent Christmas together.  It's not big news because they used to be a couple and split back in 2012, or that people wonder if they are back together.  The story is, "How will Scientology respond?"  The Church of Scientology played a role in their divorce, and has been a factor in Cruise keeping himself away from their daughter. . . to protect her from the cultish religion.

When I worked for a city near a Scientology compound, we were told that nobody dared to get lost around the facility, especially after dark, and that the property was more heavily armed than Waco.  The religion can sometimes seem as tyrannical as Islam, and nearly as vicious against those that dare to renounce the faith.  When Katie left, Cruise had to cut ties to her.  She had become an infidel, even though she was jazzed about Scientology when Tom and Katie first got together.

Last Christmas, they spent the holiday together, and instead of the usual scuttlebutt we see in these situations regarding Hollywood power couples with the possibility of a rekindled relationship, the questions were all about how the Church of Scientology would react.  Would the rendezvous get Cruise into trouble with the church?

Any centralized system with a strong controlling mechanism in the hands of men always has the potential of being dangerous, and that includes religions.  The power structure in Scientology, and the controlling nature of the faith founded on principles established by L. Ron Hubbard, makes it dangerously tyrannical, and the control the religion has over its members has become publicly well known.

Katie Holmes would be best advised to remain clear, unless Tom Cruise himself decided to finally figure out a way to cut ties with the cult.  She left the church, and returned to her childhood faith of Catholicism, and that makes her worse than an outsider to Scientology.  That makes her a deserter, an enemy, an infidel.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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